Mini Tartes aux prunes
Daca tot sunt in carantina obligat fortat 2 sapt si trebuie sa consum timpul , cm am primit prune din livada, si mie pofta si de tarta si de galuste cu prune , am zis sa inventez o reteta unica 2 in 1 . Tarte mini stil quiche cu prune si toping de pezmet si zahar (ca la galuste, gomboti sau cm le numiti si voi )
Sa vedem ce da 👌🏻
Tarte aux prunes , 2 desserts en 1 . Let’s do this !
Continuarea in story
Fancy Cocktail
Fancy little cocktail I invented and is pretty awesome and refreshing ✨
Well let’s say the only thing I didn’t do is mixology . 💜
2 oz Empress gin
1 tablespoon of litchi sirop
Lemon juice
1642 tonic light water
Give it a try it is woww !
Follow your dreams ...
Gordon Event 💫
#foodservices #eventsplanner
Made a few good contacts today ... and tasted so much food I am about to explode 👌🏻
International Women’s Day Box
Happy International Women’s Day . 🌺
Be unique . Be you . Be strong . Be fire . Be ambitious. Be someone that can build something people will remember forever .
#internationalwomensday #8march #8martie #grazingmtl #mtlfood #ritzcarlton #glamorous #mtlfood #foodphotography #artist #foodart #westislandmontreal #westislandcommunity #mtlinfluencermarketing #eventsplanning
Fancy Valentine
Order now .
I finally have my jam labeled .
It is just delicious ! Half peaches , half plums with walnuts . Perfect with any cheese !
Surprise, surprise
Get ready for a surprise tonight:
Follow my ig account after 8 for the details involved .👌🏻
Saint Valentine
A preview of my colourful lovely fancy box for Valentine’s Day !
Special Event
Get your ticket now ✨
Fancy Gourmet Box
As my teacher said one day : Regardless the challenges you will have to face you will make it . Because you are always busy creating beautiful things . Never stop doing that . ✨🙏
On this note , I want to inform you all that I received my #fancygourmetbox just in time for the holidays. You can now surprise your #family #friends #lovedone with our #delicious #grazingbox . 🎁
Custom made for you guys , #woodbox . Reuse ♻️ recycle it . Think bigger for the #planet 💫