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Šodien norēķinu kartes lielākoties tiek aizvietotas ar viedierīcēm, kas papildinātas ar banku lietotnēm un digitālajiem naudas makiem, taču skaidra nauda, vismaz minimālos apmēros, ir nepieciešama joprojām. Maksājumu paradumi pēc būtības tiek pakārtoti tirgotāju interesēm, nerē...


Bitcoin exemplifies the Blockchain Trilemma, aiming to balance scalability, security, and decentralization. 🔥


🎉 Just a friendly reminder: only a few days left until our Fintech Wrap - Up of the Year event! 🚀 We're buzzing with excitement to host this incredible gathering of fintech enthusiasts, innovators, and industry leaders. 🌐✨
And we are very happy to introduce another great panelist Denas Gadeikis from Lietuvos bankas | Bank of Lithuania who will give his insights about Fintech ecosystem in 2023.
Last tickets 👇


We are one step closer to fully private internet searches.



Pasteidzies!⏱️Vēl tikai 12 stundas iespējams pieteikties dalībai hakatonā «Climathon’23: tīrs gaiss un klimatam draudzīga pilsētvide»! 🚀

Ja savā draugu vai kolēģu lokā pazīsti kādu, kam šis varētu būt aktuāli, padalies ar šo ziņu un palīdzi spožām idejām un ideju autoriem nonākt līdz mums! 🌟

👉Uzzināt vairāk par šī gada hakatona izaicinājumiem un pieteikties dalībai iespējams šeit:

Hakatonu organizē RTU Zinātnes un inovāciju centrs sadarbībā ar Rīga un Rīgas enerģētikas aģentūru, Eiropas Komisijas pārstāvniecība Latvijā, Schneider Electric, Rīgas Meži, un GEO RĪGA.



Jau otro gadu - no 11. līdz 15. decembrim - notiks būvniecības inovāciju hakatons "BIMHack" sadarbībā ar RTU Zinātnes un inovāciju centrs.
Pasākumā aicināti piedalīties profesionāļi, studenti, pētnieki un entuziasti, kuriem ir saistoša būvniecības digitalizācijas un inovāciju tēma.
Uzzini un piesakies:


✅ Augstskola RISEBA Starptautiskā konferencē aicinās izzināt aklos punktus arhitektūrā

✅ Augstskolas Riseba University / FAD izziņo 2. starptautisko arhitektūras un dizaina konferenci Rixarch Conference 2024. Konference norisināsies 2024. gada 12. un 13. aprīlī, Rīgā.

🏦Konferences galvenā tēma būs “Aklais punkts” (“Blind spot”), kas aicinās apskatīt šī koncepta optisko un metaforisko dimensiju.

📘Konferences programmu papildinās nodibinājuma “Arhiteksti” un augstskolas RISEBA Arhitektūras un Dizaina fakultātes kopīgi rīkotā Rainbekā – Ņujorkas štatā – bāzētās galerijas “‘T’ Space / Steven Myron Holl Foundation” izstāde “Roma. Skolotāja: Astra Zariņa”, kas būs apskatāma no 2024. gada 14. marta līdz 13. aprīlim Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā. Izstādi atklās pasaulē atzītais amerikāņu arhitekts Stīvens Hols (Steven Holl).

👉Termins “Aklais punkts” ietver divas interpretācijas. Pirmkārt, tas ir attiecināms uz fizioloģisko aklā plankuma jēdzienu, kas definē to kā optiskā nerva punktu uz tīklenes, kurš ir nejutīgs pret gaismu. Otrkārt, tas simbolizē punktu, kurā cilvēka redze ir traucēta. Šādi interpretējot jēdzienu, rīkotāji aicina arhitektus un dizainerus domāt ārpus tradicionālā skatpunkta un ļauties neierobežotai jaunradei.

👉Konferences “RIXARCH 2024” uzmanības centrā ir izcilā latviešu trimdas arhitekte un pedagoģe Astra Zariņa. Dzimusi 1929. gadā Rīgā, Astra Zariņa 1947. gadā sāka studijas Vašingtonas Universitātē, kur izglītojās pie tādiem arhitektiem kā Laionels Prīss, Vendels Lovets un Viktors Šteinbruks.

🌐Vairāk lasi:


📝 Jau 14. decembrī TIEŠSAISTĒ – NODOKĻU KONFERENCE 2024!

➡️ Plašāka informācija un pieteikuma anketa: (vēl pieejama 'early bird' dalības maksa)

📚 NODOKĻU KONFERENCE 2024 dalībnieki uzzinās par gaidāmajām izmaiņām nodokļu politika, par starptautiskajiem nodokļiem un nodokļu plānošanu, kā arī saņems praktiskus padomus kā veiksmīgi sagatavot gada pārskatu, kā arī ieskatīsies jaunākajās tendencēs, kuras svarīgi ņemt vērā grāmatvežu darbā.

Fifteen years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto sent an email that revolutionized finance.

Fifteen years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto sent an email that revolutionized finance.

Join us at Wirex!   art Wirex Join today you will earn some crypto!Link:

Join us at Wirex! art Wirex
Join today you will earn some crypto!

Join Wirex and unlock a treasure chest of X-tras, including Cryptoback™ rewards, X-accounts and annual Savings Bonuses.



🌟 Great News! We have extended the Application Deadline ❗️️

If you are an early-stage deep-tech startup, you still have 2 weeks, until the 15th November, to apply for the "11th Acceleration Program” by Commercialization Reactor in cooperation with ALTUM❗️️


The CR managed Fund provides up to 💶 EUR 50 000 of pre-seed investments and an Acceleration program for early stage deep-tech start-ups. It runs over 6 months and focuses on customer and market development.

280+ applicants have been reviewed so far, more than 60+ have participated in the program, 40+ of them have finished it and 1,5M+ EUR were invested in total 🌟

Program benefits and provided tools will help with 💪:
💼 finding and validating market applications,
💼 establishing contacts with industrial partners and customers,
💼 preparing for the first industrial pilots,
💼 developing a business case,
💼 getting ready for seed investments.

Teams can enjoy the power of the CR community and benefit from our wide network of industrial partners and investors.


• Nov 15th, 2023

Register here:

Eligibility criteria:
✅ science- based project 🧬
✅ technology readiness level (TRL) at least 3-4
✅ early-stage (before sales or sales have just started)
✅ the committed team, consisting of at least an entrepreneur and a developer of technology


💡Apply to the Commercialization Reactor Fund acceleration program and for pre-seed investments and get a chance to be considered for seed-investments for up to 💶 EUR 250 000 as you develop.

Commercialization Reactor is an international platform for science commercialization founded in 2009 with a goal to build new, meaningful companies based on scientific and technological achievements.

Among “Commercialization Reactor” alumni and community are such startups as “PurOceans Technology”, "Catalyco", “Naco Technologies”, “CONELUM”, “Eventech”, “Snowision”, “VeritaCell”, “Adianano”, “InLable ”, “3DStrong”, “EMPYRIO”, “Semantic Intelligence”, Fintelligence SIA, TerraWaste (Techstars '22), PrintyMed, WatchBuilt, Pestevene, and many more!

Join the Commercialization Reactor deep-tech community!


Calling all Venture Capitalists & Business Angels!
🌟 We're heading to Slush for a startup & investor matchmaking event, and we've got something special just for you together with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia - LIAA 🇱🇻
📅 Date: November 30th
🕒 Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
📍 Location: Business College Helsinki, right next to , 5 Rautatieläisenkatu, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Discover 10 promising Latvian startups before they hit the big time: Cellbox Labs, OX Drive, Monetizr, Longenesis, Squad Robotics, Bruntor, Hyperjob , Adventum Tech, Medon, Swotzy.
Don't miss your chance to explore Latvia's startup scene, connect with fellow investors, and have one-on-one discussions with your next investment gems!
💎 Apply for the event now:


🎉 Join us for a Startup & Investor Matchmaking Event 🎉 and get the inside track on promising Latvian startups before they hit the big time.
First up, let's introduce you to the first startup you'll meet at our matchmaking event, organized together with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia - LIAA!
🚀 Cellbox Labs: They've got a game-changing organ-on-a-chip technology that speeds up drug development like never before.
📅 Date: November 30th
🕒 Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
📍 Location: Business College Helsinki, right next to SLUSH, Address: 5 Rautatieläisenkatu, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Apply for the event now:


Now, let's introduce you to Squad Robotics: the autopilot for Industrial Mobile Robots. 🤖
📅 Save the date: November 30th
🕒 Timing: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
📍 Where: Business College Helsinki, right next to Slush at 5 Rautatieläisenkatu, 00520 Helsinki, Finland.
Join us to explore Latvia's thriving startup scene, connect with fellow investors, and have one-on-one conversations with potential investment gems!
Don't miss this opportunity, secure your spot now:
This matchmaking event is made together with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia - LIAA🇱🇻


The Decentralized Nature of Bitcoin: Key Facts 🔥


It has been fifteen years since the original Bitcoin white paper was published on the cryptography mailing list. Those fifteen years have been a wild ride of progress and new ideas.


So, we made a credit card.

But this is Curve so obviously it’s no ordinary credit card.

This is the first credit card on the planet to offer section 75 protection across purchases made on debit cards as well as credit cards. Customers will get the gold standard in customer protection whether they pay with a debit or credit card via Curve.

That’s pretty cool, but Flex is where things get really interesting. Customers will be able to split payments into monthly instalments, in-store and online. As well as that, they can go back in time and break up old transactions into instalments to free up cash. The power to rework your budget at a moment's notice, in just a few taps.

It’s just a baby. We’re in the early stages of Beta testing right now with the hope to bring it to everyone in the coming months. If you're a commercial Curve customer and want to try the Curve credit card – let us know! We want you 🫵


JUST IN: supply on exchanges falls to a 6-year low! 💥

Bullish 🚀

powered by HIVE Digital Technologies LTD

Анонс интервью с Сисманом:  Привет, друзья! В эфире четвертый выпуск подкаста "Битком в Биткоин" и на этот раз у нас в г...

Анонс интервью с Сисманом: Привет, друзья! В эфире четвертый выпуск подкаста "Битком в Биткоин" и на этот раз у нас в гостях – Алекс Петров, имеющий опыт в IT более 35+ лет, занимавший позицию технического директора в майнинг-компании Bitfury (в последствии, компания принимала непосредственное участие в разгаре войны за размер блока), внёс также значимый вклад в архитектуру Lightning Network⚡️

👁Стоит ли Биткоин на месте спустя столько лет?
📘Почему Джонатан Бир (автор книги The Blocksize War) не имел полного понимания происходящего в разгаре событий?
🤔Сумел ли разработчик Bitcoin Core – Luke Dashjr протолкнуть хардфорк?
🤷‍♂️Удовлетворит ли рынок комиссий – аппетитам майнеров, после надвигающего халвинга?
♻️Зеленая энергетика не совсем зеленая?
Всё это и многое другое вы узнаете в подкасте👇

🔗💙 Подписывайтесь на мой телеграм:🚀 Привет, друзья! В эфире четвертый выпуск подкаста "Битком в Биткоин" и на этот раз у нас в гос...

но как быть с искусственный интеллектом и криптой одновременно???

но как быть с искусственный интеллектом и криптой одновременно???

В последний год Аксель подсел на новинки искусственного интеллекта и практически забросил сферу криптовалют. Пришла пора сделать выбор. Метафорический текст.

Marc Andreessen published an interesting document - a techno-optimist manifesto.  There is a lot there - from the meanin...

Marc Andreessen published an interesting document - a techno-optimist manifesto. There is a lot there - from the meaning of life to the meaning of a market economy, and, of course, it would not be possible without AI.
The style is not the most common because the author does not hesitate to say “we believe” instead of some evidence, and this we believe is repeated more than a hundred times in the document. The attitude towards technical progress is indeed determined by faith, but I have never seen such clear confirmation from a very practical investor.
It’s a very useful read to better understand what and how drives people who develop (and finance) technologies and products of the future. We believe in risk, in leaps into the unknown.
And, of course, We believe in Augmented Intelligence just as much as we believe in Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent machines augment intelligent humans, driving a geometric expansion of what humans can do.
An uplifting read, I highly recommend it :)

We are told that technology is on the brink of ruining everything. But we are being lied to, and the truth is so much better. Marc Andreessen presents his techno-optimist vision for the future.

TruthOur civilization was built on technology.Our civilization is built on technology.Technology is the glory of human a...

Our civilization was built on technology.

Our civilization is built on technology.

Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the spearhead of progress, and the realization of our potential.

For hundreds of years, we properly glorified this – until recently.

I am here to bring the good news.

We can advance to a far superior way of living, and of being.

We have the tools, the systems, the ideas.

We have the will.

It is time, once again, to raise the technology flag.

It is time to be Techno-Optimists


We are told that technology is on the brink of ruining everything. But we are being lied to, and the truth is so much better. Marc Andreessen presents his techno-optimist vision for the future.




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