Arkan Cosplay

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Arkan Cosplay We're 2 French Handmade Cosplay Makers! Crafting finished cosplays and props for you to enjoy!

We reached 30.000$ donations Live right before closure... You people are amazing! 💜💜We're proud to have been enrolled in...

We reached 30.000$ donations Live right before closure... You people are amazing! 💜💜

We're proud to have been enrolled into this event and that they trusted Arkan into making a physical set to be seen on the screen at (almost) all times. It was a Team effort with (amazing) people outside from our workshop that Arkan got to meet and spend SUCH A FUN TIME with! All the set's furnishing have been done by TheUnusualLee, Trysfall, Pura, Punny, Chase Hukill and Virrian! We couldn't have done it without you and Shork's GF, that stayed up all night with Arkan to help and make sure the Set would actually make it Live!

We'll be back soon, Kao's and I! For now though we need to enjoy the Holidays and rest up for what's to come!

We'll debrief the event through another proper post! If you can, donate to the SpecialEffect Charity here:
And if you want to get our cosplays and props: 5% of any item's value goes toward the charity! We made everything available from TF2, enjoy:

Love you all, thank you again! 🥰🖤❤️💜

We made the Eyelander for no particular reasons! 😉💜More on this one once TFConnect 2023 gets Live!

We made the Eyelander for no particular reasons! 😉💜

More on this one once TFConnect 2023 gets Live!

We are part of TFConnect 2023! Read more about it in the video's description and see you LIVE this November 16th and mor...

We are part of TFConnect 2023! Read more about it in the video's description and see you LIVE this November 16th and more! 💜💜💜

Hello! Yes, it's official! We are participating atoTFConnect 2023!▬ wanted to keep it under the radar as it has been such a pleasure...

🇺🇸 Props we made this year and ongoing! We're still active despite not posting much on the page: we're focusing on produ...

🇺🇸 Props we made this year and ongoing! We're still active despite not posting much on the page: we're focusing on production and [Secret Projects]! Still in business thanks to you all!🥰
🇫🇷 Props que nous avons réalisé cette année et en cours! Nous sommes toujours actives même si rien n'est posté: nous nous concentrons sur la production et des [Projets Secret]! Toujours en affaires grâce à vous!🥰

🇺🇸 Sharing -a bit late because we forgot Facebook existed!- our Sticky launcher rendition for the Demoman! We're making ...

🇺🇸 Sharing -a bit late because we forgot Facebook existed!- our Sticky launcher rendition for the Demoman! We're making some melee props this quarter too to make a full set available! 🥰
🇫🇷 On a complètement oublié que Facebook existait! Voici notre Sticky Launcher pour le Demoman! On est en pleine création de props mêlée pour rendre un set complet disponible! 🥰

🇺🇸 The Annoying Secondary! 🔥TF2 Scorch Shot prop! We're supposed to make the Flare and Detonator too, we're still waitin...

🇺🇸 The Annoying Secondary! 🔥

TF2 Scorch Shot prop! We're supposed to make the Flare and Detonator too, we're still waiting to get some time to sand on everything..!

We're working hard on orders and couldn't find the courage to post in the meantime. But now we have content, so back to sharing before forgetting again! 😁
🇫🇷 La Secondaire Embêtante! 🔥

TF2 Scorch Shot! On est supposée faire le Flare et Detonator aussi, mais il nous manque le temps pour poncer en plus de tout..!

On travaille dur sur nos commandes, peu de temps et de courage pour poster entre temps. Mais maintenant on a du contenu! Donc on partage avant de repartir! 😁

🇺🇸 The Pipe Launcher from TF2! 😎This was fun to work on! Every parts you think of move and rotate! We need to make the g...

🇺🇸 The Pipe Launcher from TF2! 😎

This was fun to work on! Every parts you think of move and rotate! We need to make the glowing ammo now!

Coming right up: Quick-Fix (done today!), updated Scorch Shot, Full Medic Set, Soda Popper, Sticky Launcher, updated Bonesaw, The Original, a Classic Scattergun and an updated Dead Ringer! SO MANY THINGS JUST FROM TF2!

So all of this, plus Yasha Singorger... We're doing good on new designs this year! 🥰
🇫🇷 Pipe Launcher de TF2! 😎

C'était un prop fun sur lequel travailler! Toutes les parties imaginables bougent et pivotent! Il nous faut faire les munitions qui vont avec maintenant!

À suivre! Quick-Fix (fini aujourd'hui!), Scorch Shot V2022, un Set Medic Complet, Soda Popper, Sticky Launcher, Bonesaw V2022, The Oriignal, un Scattergun Classique et une Dead Ringer V2022! TELLEMENT DE TF2! Si ça ne vous dit rien, attendez les posts..!

Donc, tout ça, plus l'épée Skingorger de Yasha... L'étape "plus de création cette année" est respectée! 🥰

🇺🇸 A critical hit and still half alive, best character of both games!The cell shading look is the BEST! Fantastic way to...

🇺🇸 A critical hit and still half alive, best character of both games!

The cell shading look is the BEST! Fantastic way to get highlights and outlines neatly packed! Though time consuming, the Heavy Body Acrylics helps laying less paint for a more vibrant result!
🇫🇷 Un coup critique et toujours à moitié vivant, meilleur personnage des jeux!

Le look Cell Shaded est TOP! Super façon d'obtenir des pointes de détails contenues dans les lignes noires! Même si ça prend du temps. L'acrylique Heavy Body aide à appliquer moins de couche pour un résultat plus coloré et contrasté!

🇺🇸 Bring down the mask, embrace the Stress!Very proud of the whole colour scheme and cell shading! That, and the leather...

🇺🇸 Bring down the mask, embrace the Stress!

Very proud of the whole colour scheme and cell shading! That, and the leatherwork bits. The rivets were the hardest part but it all worked out okay!
🇫🇷 Abaissez le masque, adoptez le Stress!

Très fiers des tonalités et du cell shading! Ça, et le travail du cuir autour. Les rivets étaient les plus difficiles mais au final rien ne casse!

🇺🇸 Full body pic of our L***r Cosplay! More on the details very soon..! 😊🇫🇷 Photo corps entier de notre L***r! On se con...

🇺🇸 Full body pic of our L***r Cosplay! More on the details very soon..! 😊
🇫🇷 Photo corps entier de notre L***r! On se concentre sur les détails bientôt..! 😊

"Remind Yourself that Overconfidence is a Slow and Insidious Killer!"🇺🇸 We've finished it! Our Darkest Dungeon L***r cos...

"Remind Yourself that Overconfidence is a Slow and Insidious Killer!"

🇺🇸 We've finished it! Our Darkest Dungeon L***r cosplay is DONE! After 3 years! By the Ancestor, it's done! 😍

More details about all the stuff behind its creation soon!

🇫🇷 On l'a fini! Notre L***r de Darkest Dungeon est FINI! Après 3 ans! Par l'Ancêtre, il est F-I-N-I ! 😍

Pleins de détails quant aux coulisse de sa création bientôt!

🇺🇸 And a BLUE Medic one out! Congratulations to Kao’s: she did her first full Medigun! Sanding, Assemblies, Electronics,...

🇺🇸 And a BLUE Medic one out! Congratulations to Kao’s: she did her first full Medigun! Sanding, Assemblies, Electronics, Paint, you name it! 😇

Arkan has been supervising the critical steps and added 2 collective brain cells when late in the shop for moral support… Nothing unusual! 😄

Meanwhile! The L***r Waders are going great! Some tests were made last week as well as some proper patterns and now it’s being dyed the right colour. It’s stressful but satisfying!

Bonus pic: best Cat of the World!
🇫🇷 Et c’est un autre BLUE! Félicitation à Kao’s: c’est son tout premier Medigun complet! Ponçage, Assemblages, Électronique, Peintures, vous y pensez, elle l’a fait! 😇

Arkan a supervisé les étapes cruciales et ajouté deux neurones au collectif quand il se faisait t**d, pour le support moral… Rien d’inhabituel donc! 😄

Au même moment! Les Cuissardes du L***r avancent bien! Quelques tests de teintures et rivetages effectués la semaine dernière ainsi que des patrons concrets, et maintenant tout est déjà découpé et la teinture prend! Stressant mais satisfaisant!

Photo bonus: le meilleur Chat du Monde.

🇺🇸 This is the last Ralsei's Cosplay we'll make for some time, if not the last one ever! 😱💚🖤It has been there since 2018...

🇺🇸 This is the last Ralsei's Cosplay we'll make for some time, if not the last one ever! 😱💚🖤

It has been there since 2018, and we are moving on from this chapter! Arkan will always love those they made, and Kao's is happy not to worry about that fuchsia scarf ever again!

The hat has also been improved, and it's quite fitting given Arkan's home town! Glad to have it finished and in a box, soon enough!
🇫🇷 Ceci est le dernier cosplay de Ralsei que nous faisons avant quelque temps, si ce n'est pas le dernier à jamais! 😱💚🖤

Il a été là depuis 2018, et nous fermons la page de ce chapitre! Arkan aimera toujours autant ceux réalisés, et Kao's est contente de ne plus revoir cette écharpe fuchsia!

Le chapeau est bien mieux, et ça colle avec la ville natale de Arkan! Enfin terminé et bientôt dans une boîte!

🇺🇸 The L***r Armor is going fantastically well! We're done assembling and are awaiting more 3D Print for the waders to b...

🇺🇸 The L***r Armor is going fantastically well! We're done assembling and are awaiting more 3D Print for the waders to be worked on!

Arkan began their own set for the l***r a bit more than 2 years ago and never actually finished their own... Someday, this is the closest it'll be for now! 😁
🇫🇷 L'Armure du L***r progresse fantastiquement bien! L'assemblage final est terminé, et l'on attend derrière des impressions 3D pour finir les cuissardes!

Arkan a commencé initialement pour un cosplay personnel il y a un peu plus de 2 ans, et jamais il n'a été terminé... Pour plus t**d! Pour le moment, c'est le plus proche qu'on ai pût être d'un L***r complet! 😁

🇺🇸 More 3d printing and L***r stuff! 😁Mediguns are almost done being sanded! That means first assembly and wiring are ve...

🇺🇸 More 3d printing and L***r stuff! 😁

Mediguns are almost done being sanded! That means first assembly and wiring are very close!
Meanwhile the 2 part Backpack Boxes are nearing 28 hours of consecutive print... And still going for at least another 3!

The L***r parts are clearcoated and curing overnight before the final assembly of the sword and the stressful leather and fabric straps... Fun times!
Also, more bandages for our own cosplays are finally done. The same has been done for the cape off camera: wait until we show it!

(Disregard the broken glass plate, that'll be disposed off soon!)
🇫🇷 Toujours plus d'impressions 3d et du L***r! 😁

Les Mediguns sont bientôt complètement poncés! Ça veut donc dire qu'on arrive au premier assemblage et le câblage!
Les 2 boîtes constituant le corps du Medic Backpack sont proches des 28 heures d'impressions consécutives... Et ça continue pour encore 3 supplémentaires!

Les pièces du L***r (hors cuir en attente) sont vernies et reposent pour la nuit avant l'assemblage final de l'épée et l'étape stressantes des sangles sur mesures... Joie!
Aussi, encore plus de bandages pour notre propre cosplay du L***r! Le même traitement a été réalisé pour la cape hors caméra: il faut attendre qu'on vous la montre terminée!

(Ne prêtez pas attention au lit d'impression en verre brisé: on s'en débarrasse bientôt!)

🇺🇸 Some TF2 orders have been shipped last week! Now tackling Mediguns and more from both the Medic and Scout.Also making...

🇺🇸 Some TF2 orders have been shipped last week! Now tackling Mediguns and more from both the Medic and Scout.

Also making steady progress on the L***r pieces! We hope to have the paint done as well as the main leatherwork by this week! 😊
🇫🇷 Des commandes TF2 ont été expédiées la semaine dernière! On s'attaque aux Mediguns et pleins d'autres du Medic et Scout.

Le L***r progresse à un rythme constant! On espère finir la peinture cette semaine, le travail du cuir y compris! 😊



WIP! 💥🇺🇸 Kao's has finished all the Scatterguns and is already moving to the Mediguns and a Medic Backpack! Lots of sand...

WIP! 💥

🇺🇸 Kao's has finished all the Scatterguns and is already moving to the Mediguns and a Medic Backpack! Lots of sanding going on her side! 😁

Meanwhile Arkan's finishing L***r pieces! The Kneepads are done and moving next to finishing the sword, mask and chest lines paint! We're seeing the end of this batch! 🥳

Last will be a Ralsei full cosplay and a Scorch Shot. And then, we'll get to the newly placed orders! So much stuff!

🇫🇷 Kao's a terminé tous les Scatterguns et travaille déjà sur les Mediguns et le Medic Backpack! beaucoup de ponçage de son côté! 😁

Pendant ce temps Arkan est en train de finir des pièces du L***r! Les genouillères sont terminées niveau peinture, et l'épée, le masque et l'armure le seront bientôt! On voit enfin la fin de ce second rush! 🥳

Les derniers articles seront un cosplay Ralsei complet et un Scorch Shot. Ensuite, nous passerons aux commandes qui ont été passées juste après... Tant de choses à faire!

We made the Dead Ringer! Twice already! 😁A complete challenge to get all the shapes and engravings right and after 30 ho...

We made the Dead Ringer! Twice already! 😁

A complete challenge to get all the shapes and engravings right and after 30 hours of 3d modeling (Booleans are funky!), 27 more hours were spent on printing, sanding, wiring and painting! We're getting faster the more we make!

The LEDs are bright and we're adding a 5VDC port to plug to carriable power supplies so you just keep on stabbing! 🗡👉

It's our second prop using both PLA and PETG! It is such a blast to make something without needing to bend cheap acrylic sheets or clear bottle plastic! Just make another part with LEDs spots, print, sand and insert! We're using this for anything that needs lighting and diffusion now, really!

As far as orders go! We're completing 4 Scatterguns (Metal, Festives and Classics!) as well as some Medic Backpacks and Mediguns, some comes together even! An almost full L***r Armor Set from Darkest Dungeon (1) is being worked on too... And with leather waders! Very excited as these are only orders: side projects are coming! Pipe Launcher, Frontier Justice, Stock Shotgun, Targe and HHHH from TF2 are only a few we'll make VERY soon for Q1&2 of 2022! 😎


We're Back and at work! Second half of Black Friday orders are inbound, as well as our side projects that we will unveil very, very soon! Thank you for your patience, see you around! :)


Quick words! Our Black Friday has been crazy! So crazy that we are full until February 2022!

Every orders placed before December 1st will be worked on and shipped for this year! Every other are to be treated by 2022. Love you all! Thank you. 🥰❤️

Black Friday deals are NOW! So here's a Festive Australium Scattergun, just because! 😆

Black Friday deals are NOW! So here's a Festive Australium Scattergun, just because! 😆



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