Wigfest Announcement:
What a fantastic time was had by all. Here are some of my thanks and final figures.
1: First thanks go to Geoff Davison, Chris, Tim, Haz Haswell and all of the Leicester collective. Every year we are treated to a broad range of diverse and quality music by musicians who show us their love for music, support for each other and huge generosity towards the festival and charitable causes.
This generosity is shown in many ways including often giving us back their performance money donating it to the charities and sharing their drum kit out to all the other bands. This year a total of £760 was given back and £200 of this has been donated to Changing Faces https://www.changingfaces.org.uk
2: Thanks also to River, Kimmie and the lads for an amazing variety of food in the kitchen and from the Nestauraunt. We loved the food so much that we had to make them a permanent fixture for future events. Please can you leave your reviews/comments/messages below or at https://www.facebook.com/TheNestaurant.
They have also donated £230 back to us and I have asked them to use the money to help support vulnerable people through their support groups https://www.hertfordshiremercury.co.uk/.../nest-cic...
3: Thanks Jamie for all your hard work behind the mic.You even managed to sing for us again too!!!
4: Thanks Dave Woods - davejamesaudio and Louis of https://www.facebook.com/nlslightingandsound. The sound was always first class all weekend and the lighting complimented it perfectly. I don't remember the electricity tripping once either!
5. Thanks Rosie Clampett for being the smiley face behind the bar. The bar is the main way that we raise funds over the weekend and you do such an amazing job. Thanks also to Bays Brewery for donating a Cask and to Ian for helping us restore the ale on Saturday afternoon.
6: Thanks to you all for leaving no trace in the field. Also thanks for your superb community spirit, your honesty and your humour and caring nature. It's a wonderful thing when the booze at the bar can be left out all night and the phones and computer can be left, unattended, in the hall. Your smiley faces made me extremely proud of the event. A special thanks needs to go out to James Pinnington the First-Aid rapid responder. Thanks also to Rebecca McDonagh for your unwaivering support xx
7:Thanks to Al McDonagh, Susan McDonagh, Anna Grafton Beaker Whitefield, Paul Templeman, Rob Lamb, Donna, Bex Rebecca McDonagh etc.... for helping with the install and tidying up.
8: Charity News:
A huge thanks to John and Amy of DCE Agency https://www.dceagency.com for their amazing donation of £1000towards the running of the festival. As a result the final figures are as follows:
£1500 + Gift Aid to Rowcroft Hospice
£300 for Buckland St Mary Village Hall Fund.
(by the way they're getting Broadband and a card reader for early next year)
£200 for Changing Faces
£230 for the Nest Support Group
Finally I have booked the venue for next year's August Bank holiday weekend so please keep the date free. Also please leave any suggestions for next year's event in comments below
Love to you all xx
Rowcroft Hospice Devon 2,500 patients South Devon life-limiting illnesses South Devon palliative care hospice Devon Hospice