BBCBBC Strictly Come Dancing, Crikey that’s LONG overdue. Welcome to normality. Was it dark & lonely under that rock! 🤦
#BetterMediaRespresentation instead of rating clickbaits thanks, next.
#GlobalPride2021, #ComingOut2020 & #AlwaysPride
#LGBTQIA+ #Lesbian #Gay #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer/#Questioning #Intersex #Ally #Pride
#LGBTpride #LGBTQIApride #LGBTI #Rainbow #TransPride #LGBTQcommunity #Proud #LGBTequality #LGBTtravel #Rights #WeFightTogether #Worldwide #LGBTQsupport #LGBTQIAplus #TransAndProud #LGBTmusician #LGBTQrightsAreHUMANrights
#ShareWithPride NOMINATIONS FOR #ColinCooperPhotography ARE NOW OPEN for @royalbank of Scotland @proudscotlandawards 2021.
Please visit to nominate in recognition for championing diversity & inclusion throughout Scotland at this years awards in October.
@sheratongrandedinburgh Hotel
#lgbtqi #pride #transgender #loveislove #lesbian #bisexual #lgbtcommunity #lovewins #lgbtpride #lgbti #rainbow #transpride #lgbtqcommunity #proud #lgbtequality #lgbttravel #rights #wefighttogether #worldwide #lgbtqsupport #lgbtqiaplus #transandproud #lgbtmusician #LGBTQRightsAreHumanRights
Save Kilbowie Outdoor Centre
Footage from 21 July 2020 - Please Care & Share: Profits impacts less than the outdoor education each child benefits from this community lifeline. Save Kilbowie Outdoor Centre. Quality reduced by Facebook’s distribution. High def’ available.
©2020 #ColinCooperPhotography
All rights Reserved
#LegalSafeAndInsured #DroneOperatingPilot
#BolsterNotBulldoze #RetainOutdoorEducation #BuildBackBetter #SaveNotScrap
Visit for more service information.
#ShareWithPride #GlobalPride #Pride #ColinCooperPhotography
#ProudScotlandAwards2020 #LegalSafeAndInsured #DroneOperatingPilot
With deepest thanks to all the LGBTQIA+ community & allies who supported #ColinCooperPhotography by nomination to be considered for the Proud Scotland Awards™ 2020 sponsored by The Royal Bank of Scotland. As a result will be considered by judges who will decide upon who will be the finalist for the Professional Services Award!
Special thanks goes to Oban Pride, Global Pride 2020, Pink Saltire & SCRAN of Historic Environment Scotland/Historic Scotland for believing in my photographic & aerial imagery abilities & providing me with opportunities to better the coverage of & engagement with the minority groups. Too often minorities still slip through our social nets of support.
“This award is where we can thank someone or even a team who has gone beyond to ensure that members of the LGBT communities have received outstanding service from a professional service provider... Finalists will be announced in early August” ~ #ProudScotlandAwards
Full list also available on the website:
#PleaseShare #Proud2020
Please Like, Share, Follow, Tag & Comment on CoCoProPhoto for OFFICIAL updates & LOTS MORE!
Sample quality, adjusted for social media distribution & not indicative of final edit. 4K Professional quality reproductions available on request. Any interests are encouraged using the 'contact us' tab via
#newlanarkworldheritagesite New Lanark World Heritage Site #ShiningLives #NewLanark #ColinCooperPhotography #DroneOperatingPilot #LegalSafeAndInsured Historic Environment Scotland #HistoricScotland #Heritage #YearOfCoastsAndWaters2020 #YCW2020 #DronePhotography VisitScotland #VisitScotland #ScotlandIsNow #ChampioningCommunity #PerfectStage #ClimateChange #MyPlaceInHistory #OurPlaceInTime #AerialPhotography #Scotland_GreatShots #ScotlandLove #ScotlandSites 🏴🇪🇺🦄
©2019 Colin Cooper Photography
All rights Reserved
World Stone Skimming Championships 2019 @ Easdale Island 🏴🇪🇺🦄 ©2019 Colin Cooper Photography Please Like, Share, Follow, Tag & Comment on CoCoProPhoto (via Instagram also) for OFFICIAL updates & LOTS MORE!
360p quality, adjusted for social media distribution & not indicative of final edit. 4K Professional quality reproductions available on request. Any interests are encouraged using the 'contact us' tab via
#ColinCooperPhotography #DroneOperatingPilot #LegalSafeAndInsured, thanks to @OysterBrewery & Seafari Adventures (Oban) for their cooperation.
#WorldStoneSkimmingChampionship #EasdaleIsland #Easdale #Seil #WestIsBest #WSSC2019 #WSSC2020 #WorldStoneSkimmingChampionships #HistoricScotland #HistoricEnvironmentScotland #Heritage #YearOfCoastsAndWaters2020 #YCW2020 #DronePhotography VisitScotland #VisitScotland #ScotlandIsNow #ChampioningCommunity #PerfectStage #WildAboutArgyll #MyArgyll #ABPLace2B #StoneSkimming #Slate #BeObanMinded 🏴🇪🇺🦄 ©2019 Colin Cooper Photography
All rights reserved.