As a wedding photographer, I have to admit that I got so tired of seeing the outrageous dollar amounts that people would spend on a wedding. As a mother of a bride who spent over $20,000 on a wedding herself, well, my husband and I can tell you exactly how much stress that is. We did it, because we loved our daughter... but I have to admit that we were hoping she would just elope. Not because we d
idn't want to be a part of her big day, but because the cost of having a traditional wedding has gotten out of control, especially in today's economy. We feel your pain and we have decided to use what we have, a beautiful home near Mt. Rainier, and Delanae's photography skills coupled with Bjorn's wonderful nature as kind and caring officiant and put together the perfect solution. We offer you an all in one place to elope or even host a small intimate wedding as your place to get married while Bjorn will officiate and Delanae will photograph your ceremony. And, to sweeten the deal, you get a very nice room to spend the night. Normally, Delanae's wedding packages for just photography start at $800, but, we are trying to keep this opportunity affordable. So for a Wedding Venue, Officiant, Photographer and a 1 night stay in the Honeymoon suite, you will only have to come up with $500. You will still have to buy your license at a Missouri courthouse.