‘‘Twas a night of crazy fun later! Thanks @arabelle for involving me in this party! #manyao #party #eventssg
I miss the good old days. I miss the fun, the company, I miss being the occasional monkey and yes, performing as well. Covid-19 has devastated the lives of many but we must remain strong, healthy and positive. Together we can overcome this and have our lives back. But for now, #pleasestayhome #f**kcovid19 #globalwar #sgunited #letsunite #humansprevail #wewillbebackstrongerthanbefore #igsg #f4f #ifb
Party on (but only if you're feeling well)!! #stayhealthy #staycalm #partyon #dance #music #singapore #igsg #sgig #nukeoptics #ifb
30th Nov 2019 - All hell broke loose as the traffic around central Singapore came to a gridlock. I was very worried when I was informed that the sound system & lights would not reach us in time but we managed to party the crowd and they were dancing like no tomorrow. #phew #greatescape #eventsg #dinneranddance #igsg #singapore #danceliketheresnotomorrow #instadance #instalike #ifb
A big shoutout of congrats goes out to @twinsgonewrong for topping the polls at EDM Droid Asia. They are the #1 ranked emcee(s) in Singapore! Here's a short clip of our recent overseas collaboration (Who says you need a big crowd to have a fun party??!!) #congratulations #congrats #topdog #party #igsg #dnd #retreat #asia #singapore #malaysia #indonesia #thailand #korea #congaline #dj #instabuddies #like #instalike #follow #instafollow #THEM
With my cheeky partner @flky #throwbackthursday #instabuddy #instawork #igsg #instagood #instapartner #boomerang #cheeky #naughty #playful #instalike
What's better than having one awesome deejay at your party? Two deejays from the #THEM collective, DJ Darren and myself rocking the party #thisiswhatidoforaliving #deejay #dj #partyDJ #music #dance #party #instagram #traktordj #singapore #igsg #fun #doubletrouble #instagood #crazy #openformatdj #THEM #instawork #instateam #instaparty #instapartner #instalike #l4like #like #follow
That's my dog saying "I surrender!"... Not really. He's just enjoying his daily rubs. #itsadogslife #jagger #mydarling #suchadear #dog #pet #dailyrubs #surrender #paw #instadog #dogsforlife
Always a nice accessory to have with me. Thanks @arabelle #accessory, #iamvaintoo, #vainpot, #colormylife, #lightupmylife, #happy, #blink, #party, #music, #lights, #sound, #dj, #deejay, #igsg, #singapore, #instagood, #instacolor, #nativeinstruments, #traktor
I love doing private parties for Europeans. They are energetic, spontaneous and they can party on the whole night! #spain #allspanishcrowd, #spanish, #party, #partido, #espanyol, #dj, #deejay, #singapore, #privatebooking, #privateparty, #music, #sound, #lights, #europeans, #europe, #igsg, #fun, #work, #bestpartofmyjob, #igdg, #instadj, #muchogracias, #follow, #instalike, #wishicouldstaylonger
**WAIT FOR THE DROP!!** Heavy rain did not deter the mood of Boon Lay revellers for the New Year Countdown! I love their energy and their spirit. All 25,000 of them! Huge thanks to emcee @adrianangcj and the awesome team from @thatsinnovative #boonlay, #nye, #nyecountdown, #countdownsingapore, #countdownparty, #nyesingapore, #spirit, #awesome, #raw, #energy, #2018, #singapore, #thankyou, #rain, #rave, #fun, #instalike, #instafollow, #instagood, #instawork, #instaawesome, #igsg, #party, #dj, #l4l, #f4f,
Amazing crowd, amazing party, amazing hype from Emcee Sylvia! #zouk, #party, #dj, #deejay, #dance, #hysteria, #singapore, #instagood, #instawork, #instadance, #instafollow, #instaparty, #hardstyle, #150bpm, #edm, #f4f, #instalike, #instasg, #crazy, #instavideo