🔹 All Dates for the season 🔹
◾️November 3rd - Unleashed
◾️November 24th - Hip Hop Champs
◾️February 9th - Unleashed
◾️March 16th - Unleashed
◾️ June date (TBC)
🔵 Come Join Us for the most fun day with your dance Fam.
#dance #RaiseYourGame #unleashed #hiphop #lyrical
Placings for Hip Hop Solos ⭐️
❗️Crew battle finals❗️
Pulse Vs The Launchpad
Can not express how crew battles make us feel what an experience and to see sportsmanship and support for everyone involved is insane
What a exchange we saw at the final.
Where @thelaunchpadstudios took the W and took home £250
Well done to both crews!
⭐️2023 - we are BACK!⭐️
💥 have you booked on to our first event of the year?
💥 29th January is our second Regional leading to our big final in June all those that qualify for teams go through to our Final.
💥Drop us a Dm or email and we will get you booked in.
‼️Judges showcase‼️
🔥Mick scott! Entertaining the crowd as usual🔥
#scotland #dance #scottishdancescene #hiphop #bboy #bgirl #battleground #popping #litefeet #allstyle #danceisone #cyphers #battles #battlevents #grooving #dj #music #freestyle
‼️Judges showcase‼️
🔥Rabscallion! Seriously dropping the🔥
#scotland #dance #scottishdancescene #hiphop #bboy #bgirl #battleground #popping #litefeet #allstyle #danceisone #cyphers #battles #battlevents #grooving #dj #music #freestyle
‼️Judges showcase‼️
🔥Lucia AKA Motherfunk came wid it! 🔥
#scotland #dance #scottishdancescene #hiphop #bboy #bgirl #battleground #popping #litefeet #allstyle #danceisone #cyphers #battles #battlevents #grooving #dj #music #freestyle
Honestly what a day!
We have learnt so much from today but we are so grateful for everyone who turned up & supported our first ever battle event 😁 We are buzzing! To see so much talent in one room was electric & such a joy to watch. We hope you all had a great day because we certainly did 🙌🏽
Bringing together the culture & the amazing energy that comes along with it 🔥
Every person that got up on the floor did themselves & their school/teachers/parents proud 👏🏽
Thank you so much to…⬇️
The Launchpad, Zodiac, Pulse, Love2Dance, Dimestop, The Ark, Rhythm Nation & all individuals who signed up this morning 🙏🏽
Today wouldn’t have been possible without you all & your ongoing support. You deserve a huge rest now 😂
We are now gearing up for our November HipHop Champs 🆙 This is always a complete sell out event so if you are interested then please check out our other dates & get in touch ASAP.
Feeling so blessed & hopefully see you all at our next one ✌🏽x
We let the dancers decide and it was made clear we had to bring you our once a year event
Battle Ground!
We have our day for our first Battle ground event
Bringing you!
1v1 Hip Hop
1v1 Allstyle
2v2 Allstyle
When you ask??
25th September
Location - The Yard
Here are the registration links
Dancer & Spectator form
This is a ticket event and tickets are limited due to space but we are so excited to bring together an new Vibe!
Catch you all on the 25th September 2022🏴
As we just recover from Sundays event.
We will be looking an sharing moments from the day! Keep a look out 👀
Stay tuned!
16&Under - Battle for 1st 🤯
Dancers - kenzie & Noodles
📹 @cod.visuals
Here is the link to the advance sections. You can download the files.
6 days to go! Who’s ready??
Another fun filled day we have in store for you all!
Another throw back to another amazing team
🎥 Corey Owens