We are so proud of our MTZ Productions team for putting on another successful event this morning. Thank you, Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, for your commitment to finding an early detection test to save lives.
Tour De Pier 2021
Congratulations to our clients Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, Uncle Kory Foundation and Cancer Support Community Redondo Beach for raising over 1 million dollars this challenging year. We had a sold out event, beautiful weather, lovely ocean view and wonderful energy everywhere. Thank you to our MTZ team for all your contributions on another successful event.
This past Sunday, we were honored to produce the 22nd LA Cancer Challenge 5K @ UCLA for the Hirshberg Foundation. This Foundation is focused and determined to find the cure for Pancreatic Cancer. We love working with the Hirshberg Foundation team and congratulate them on another great year. A HUGE Thank you to the MTZ Team who did an amazing job! #mtzevents
Countdown to the 22nd LA Cancer Challenge... 10 days. Join us for a 3 mile walk or a run on the beautiful UCLA Campus. Register at www.lacancerchallenge.com
Kickin' Cancer 5K, Brentwood, CA - FOX 11 News
See this. I'm so proud! I recorded our fierce client, friend and woman's advocate, Amy Cohen Epstein while on FOX 11 NEWS' with event partner, Marla Tellez.
Together, they're promoting Kickin' Cancer, women's empowerment, preventive medicine and more!
Please register at www.kickincancer.com
Kickin’ Cancer! 2018..walkers
Proud Moms
Moms - you're amazing! We saw you out at our 2015 Memorial Day 5k for veterans. If you sign up this Mother's Day weekend, you will receive a special $5 off. Use the discount code proudmom when you register 5/8-5/28.
August 30th: Nike+ LA Fastest Mile, #nrc #fastestmile Nike Running