Why Bo***ir?
For the 30-something mom whose life revolves around chicken nuggets, macaroni, and baseball. For the 45-something woman in her prime but still hitting that damn glass ceiling. For the 60-something woman who isn’t ready to slow down just yet. For the teacher; the police office; the banker. For every woman who is too tired at the end of the day to cook herself the meal she deserves and instead settles for a bottle of cheap wine and a piece of chocolate. A Bo***ir Experience allow us to slow down, focus on ourselves, and show our true inner power of what being a women truly is, for even just a brief moment. As a photographer, my passion is capturing that moment so she can treasure it forever. Regardless of how she is seen my society, every woman’s most powerful trait is just that, she is woman. Bo***ir’s only goal is to capture that and reveal the power of women everywhere.