Looking for three $700 sponsors for A La MODE nights in Liberty Lake at MODE.
A monthly LIVE music evening with Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Truck onsite! It's on a Wednesday Evening 6:30-8:30pm. Guests enjoy FREE ice cream and a show while sitting on the grassy knoll.
June 12th Rusty Jackson
July 17th RCA Music
August 14th JoJo Dodge
We only want 1 Sponsor each time. What does that mean to you and your business? More spotlight on YOU!
You can bring a pop-up tent and set up shop. You can bring swag. We will let you speak for 2 minutes, 3 separate times throughout the evening. We will feature in Social Media posts, as well.
Think quick, only 3 nights available!
Email me [email protected] if you are interested.