We can help you understand how to build furniture the right way whether it’s tables, chairs or general tips and tricks, Woodworkers Guild of America has you covered. This is a greatway to extend your woodworking skills into another area, as once you know howto cast resin you can incorporate casting resin into a woodworking project,such as the infamous “River Table” design, or you can use the resin
as analternative medium…Tips for Sharpening Woodworking ToolsIt’s an old cliché, but it’s true: dull tools are moredangerous than sharp tools. Instead of being able to gently and easily slicewood, as you can with a sharp tool, you’ll have to force a dull tool to do whatyou want it to do. That’s an accident waiting to happen. Stones There… High Top Table Leg IdeaThe next time you’re making a table or, more specifically, ahigh top table, we’ve got a great leg hack that’ll make your woodworking lifeeasier. Especially if you want the legs to be turned. Check out newel posts atthe local lumber yard or home center. Yep, stairway parts make good furniture.I recently… How to Cross Cut With a RouterSo you’re working on a project where you need to cut a bigwide slab, perhaps a table or a bench, and you say to yourself “how can I cutthis cleanly in such a way that I don’t have to spend the rest of my lifesanding the end grain smooth?” You are correct… Adding a Slot to Install Table Top FastenersWhen it comes time to install the top on a table, it isimportant to come up with an approach that allows the table top to expand andcontract freely with seasonal changes in humidity. If we don’t accommodate thismovement, bad things are bound to happen. The table top could crack, or themovement… Spraying Latex Paint with HVLP GunIf you don’t enjoy brushing on latex paint, or if you arenot able to achieve the level of quality in your painting that you’d like, thenyou should try spraying latex paint with HVLP equipment. Many people who areproficient at spraying clear finishes such as lacquer, poly, shellac, etc., aresurprised to learn… Torching WoodEverything old becomes new again! For instance, using apropane torch to char the surface of a piece of wood, changing its color.Torching wood is something that has been around for a really long time. It’s aninteresting way to change a wood’s color without using stain or dye. Making ithappen Torching wood… Filling Knots with EpoxySome of the most amazing pieces of wood are the ones thathave “defects.” Defects could be spalting (mold), small checks, bark inclusionsor, in this case, a huge hole. Sure, we could cut around those things andeliminate them, but I’m a huge fan of including this character in the finalpiece. I think… Cutting Aluminium with a Table SawAs many of us build a tool arsenal that is primarily intendedfor working with wood, we occasionally come across projects involving metal.Many of these could benefit from the speed and precision of our wood shopequipment, but you might be unsure if it’s safe to work metal with yourwoodworking tools. Call us on +27715328866 Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected]