Bosveld Bruilof & BushAway Lodge

Bosveld Bruilof & BushAway Lodge Eg Suid-Afrikaanse Bostroues

Die perfekte plek om "JA" te sรช...

Mockup for Natasha 19 February 2023Wedding date: 30 September 2023Decor, underplates, glassware cutlery and chair option...

Mockup for Natasha 19 February 2023

Wedding date: 30 September 2023

Decor, underplates, glassware cutlery and chair options for her colour theme

Sage green
Rose Gold
Burnt orange


We are very excited about our site visit today with a little mockup for the future bride and groom to choose their table colour and some decor items.

Natasha welcome to Bosveld Bruilof

Photos to follow soon...

Wedding Special for 2023You can add on whatever you wish.Situated in the stunning bushveld on a game farm just outside o...

Wedding Special for 2023

You can add on whatever you wish.

Situated in the stunning bushveld on a game farm just outside of Brits we are an hours drive from Pretoria and Johannesburg.

Book your wedding NOW.
Dates are being booked out!

We have a few weekends left between September and December
May and August

Contact us
[email protected]


Trou Aanbod vir 2023

Jy kan byvoeg wat jy wil.

Geleรซ in die pragtige bosveld op 'n wildsplaas net buite Brits is ons 'n uur se ry vanaf Pretoria en Johannesburg.

Bespreek jou troue NOU.
Datums word uitgeboek!

Ons het 'n paar naweke oor tussen September en Desember
Mei en Augustus

Kontak Ons
[email protected]

Winter Lodge Images

Winter Lodge Images

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The natural forest settings we are blessed with create a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment.

A true Rustic Bushveld Venue
The perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆ
The natural forest settings we are blessed with creates a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment.
We offer the perfect wedding, where family and friends can spend quality time together delighting in the celebrations of true love.

The natural forest settings we are blessed with create a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment.
We also offer complete exclusivity of the entire farm as well as the wedding venue for your special day, with personal attention to organizing your dream wedding. The most delicious "boerekos" prepared by our dedicated staff will surely satisfy your guest's taste buds.

We also offer packages for every bride and groom's budget. From self-catering, spitbraai, and formal menu options.
Impress your guests with our unique harvest table for post-ceremony drinks and snacks under the trees. Celebrate at our unique farm venue with an enchanting view of the thorn trees and wildlife roaming freely.
Please email us for the complete Wedding Package

See our 20% Discount Self-catering wedding special

๐”น๐• ๐• ๐•œ โ„•๐• ๐•จ
Email us at: [email protected]
Call/WhatsApp: 078 861 7707
Portion 2, Blaauwbank, Brits, North West, South Africa, 0250

Bosveld Bruilof Wedding PackageA true Rustic Bushveld VenueThe perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆThe natural forest settings we...

Bosveld Bruilof Wedding Package

A true Rustic Bushveld Venue
The perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆ
The natural forest settings we are blessed with creates a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment.
We offer the perfect wedding, where family and friends can spend quality time together delighting in the celebrations of true love.

What We Offer
We also offer complete exclusivity of the entire farm as well as the wedding venue for your special day, with personal attention to organizing your dream wedding. The most delicious "boerekos" prepared by our dedicated staff will surely satisfy your guest's taste buds.
We also offer packages for every bride and groom's budget. From self-catering, spitbraai, and formal menu options.

Impress your guests with our unique harvest table for post-ceremony drinks and snacks under the trees. Celebrate at our unique farm venue with an enchanting view of the thorn trees and wildlife roaming freely.

Please email us for the complete Wedding Package with our Menu Selection.

See our 20% Discount Self-catering wedding special

๐”น๐• ๐• ๐•œ โ„•๐• ๐•จ
Email us at: [email protected]
Call/WhatsApp: 078 861 7707
Portion 2, Blaauwbank, Brits, North West, South Africa, 0250

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All Weekends | School Holidays & High Season Rates Per Night:
(March | April | September | December)
12 Guests sharing - R 2500.00
11 Guests sharing - R 2450.00
10 Guests sharing - R 2425.00
9 Guests sharing - R 2400.00
1-8 Guests sharing - R 2375.00

All Weekday Rates Per Night:
(Excluding School Holidays & High Season Rates)

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12 Guests sharing - R 1625.00
11 Guests sharing - R 1592.50
10 Guests sharing - R 1576.25
9 Guests sharing - R 1560.00
1-8 Guests sharing - R 1527.50

๐”น๐• ๐• ๐•œ โ„•๐• ๐•จ
Email us at: [email protected]
Call/WhatsApp: 078 861 7707
Portion 2, Blaauwbank, Brits, North West, South Africa, 0250

Bosveld Bruilof True South African Bush Weddings Get In Touch A true Rustic Bushveld Venue The perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆ The natural forest settings we are blessed with creates a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment. We offer the perfect wedding, where family and friends c...

Celebrate the end of a successful year and what better way to do it than around a table, indulging in mouth-watering dis...

Celebrate the end of a successful year and what better way to do it than around a table, indulging in mouth-watering dishes, while enjoying the beauty and simplicity of the Bushveld.

Our Year-End bookings are now open.

Have a look at our website:
Email us at: [email protected]
Call/WhatsApp: 078 861 7707
Portion 2, Blaauwbank, Brits, North West, South Africa, 0250


Bosveld Bruilof True South African Bush Weddings Get In Touch A true Rustic Bushveld Venue The perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆ The natural forest settings we are blessed with creates a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment. We offer the perfect wedding, where family and friends c...

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Accommodation | Wedding Cake | Campaign | Non-alcoholic Campaign | Red Wine | White Wine | Dรฉcor | Candles | DJ | Marriage Officiant | Flowers | Hair & Makeup | Photographer | Videographer

Other Wedding Packages:
Bronze | Silver | Gold | Diamond

Have a look at our website:
Contact us at: [email protected]

Bosveld Bruilof True South African Bush Weddings Get In Touch A true Rustic Bushveld Venue The perfect place to say โ€œyesโ€โ€ฆ The natural forest settings we are blessed with creates a truly South African bushveld rustic wedding environment. We offer the perfect wedding, where family and friends c...


Portion 2 , Blaauwbank

Opening Hours

Monday 15:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00
Thursday 15:00 - 18:00
Friday 15:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00




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