If not all of us DJ's, then most of us have had that moment your set is a total flop, you feel like even quiting the set before you even finish, that's a DJ's worst nighmare! I remember experiencing this back in 2016, I remember that day vividly, it was at Emperors Palace.
I wanted to impress the DJ's so bad that I even fogort I was there to play for the patrons who are spending their hard earned money! I didn't play any horses, not even one! That's where I first knew that not only horses make a bad set! A bad playlist with no direction also contributes hugely to a bad set!
I didn't sleep that night, I always thought I was the best but that night I was the worst! That very night, particular flop I did, I turned it around to work into my advantage! DJ's don't pay you! The patrons do! Coz it's actually their money that they spend that ends up going into your pocket! Till to date, I always leave a smile on somethe dance floor! And that to me, is a good set delivered!