Grant Application Requirements
Threshold 1(R1 000-R10 000)
ERP profile acquired from the NYDA ERP portal via erp.nyda.gov.za
Business idea must be viable and show signs of growth and sustainability
Proof that they have undergone through an entrepreneurship development program
certified copy of I'd proof of residenceCV +Qualifications personal bank statement Quotation bank confirmation letter or called cheque proof of market letters lease agreement if operation will be carried in rented premises
Threshold 2 (R10 001-R50 000
ERP profile acquired from the NYDA ERP postal via erp.nyda.gov.za client must have skills experience or qualifications to run business business Idea must be viable and show signs of growth and sustainability proof that they have undergone through an entrepreneurship development program company registration certificatetaxi clearance certificate business bank statement client must be willing to hire at least on person (Youth) certified copy I'd proof of residenceCV+ qualifications person bank statement
Threshold 3 R50 001-R100 000
ERP profile acquired from the NYDA ERP portal via erp.nyda.gov.za
projected annual revenue must not R500 000 Client must have skills experience or qualifications to run business business Idea must be viable and show signs of growth and sustainability
NYDA Iyokwentisa Konke Loku for free Uma ucedza kufundza Utokhona kuthola Voucher Ye Business Yakho Utsenge Leku Dzingeksko For Business Yakho Ucubeke Ngempilo