
Dogventure Our vision for this business is to create a safe space for dogs & their humans to learn together



Maybe it is a reflection of the time of year - we are all tired from working hard and non-stop since January. Perhaps it is a reflection of the state of the world. Anyway, there are a few things which I and many of my colleagues have been trying to communicate to dog owners and potential dog owners for years, but that are just not getting through. Somewhere the message is being lost or ignored and the frustration of having to try to resolve the same old completely preventable problems makes me want to run away. But before I do, let me try one more time to say what so many behaviour professionals have been trying to say very politely for a very long time – but this time, no niceties, just telling it like it is!

Below is a list of things that we really wish clients would just stop doing. If you have done them already, we will be kind and we will try and help you, never fear! But if you have not done these things yet and are thinking about it, please just stop!

1. Please stop getting two puppies at the same time. There are endless reasons why this is just a bad idea. A brief internet search will give you countless articles on “littermate syndrome” and how difficult it is to train, bond with and socialise two pups at once.

2. Please stop adopting countless dogs, because they “just spoke to you” when you saw them at the shelter. We have by-laws for a reason and they state that no person should have more than 3 dogs on a normal size property. Dogs need space, they need time, they need individual work and attention. Dogs in large multi-dog households seldom get any of this stuff. Instead they are often stressed and anxious from having to share space and resources with a whole lot of other adult dogs that they have been thrown together with, without any thought as to whether they have the social skills to cope or whether they even enjoy the company of other dogs at all. And shelters – please STOP adopting so many dogs out to the same people!

3. Please stop adopting adult or senior dogs with poor or non-existent socialisation histories and expecting them to walk on the beach with 50 other dogs. Stop expecting them to automatically fit into your lifestyle. They may not have the necessary skills and forcing them to endure things they are not comfortable with in order to meet your expectations is unfair and cruel. Yes, you can give them a good life, but to do that you need to accept their limitations first and give them what THEY need and not what YOU THINK they need.

4. Please stop buying and adopting dogs that belong to the “fighting” breeds and expecting them to get on with all your other dogs. Especially please stop being surprised when your two Staffies or Pit Bulls of the same age and s*x start fighting and enjoying it. What did you expect?

5. Please stop getting puppies and refusing to take them to puppy classes or for walks until they have had all their vaccinations. The socialisation period ends at 14 weeks and waiting until after vaccinations will be too late. Your dog WILL end up with social problems. The risk of contracting diseases is comparatively small – far more dogs are euthanized due to behaviour problems than ever die from the diseases one vaccinates for.

6. Please stop buying puppies from backyard breeders. Please stop buying puppies without seeing the mother and father first and being happy with their temperament and health. Genetics matter!

7. Please stop taking behaviour and training advice from your breeder, vet, groomer, neighbour or the guy in the park with 6 dogs. Please do start taking behaviour advice from qualified professionals with actual advanced certificates in dog behaviour and training issued by reputable institutions.

8. Please stop watching the Dog Whisperer, a man who has been proved to have zero understanding of learning theory, canine communication and the emotional states which drive behaviour when he was tested. Please just stop!

9. Please stop calling your multi-dog household a “Pack”. Dogs don’t form packs – they are not wolves. Just move on already.

10. Please stop listening to people who say that you need to dominate your dog in order to have him behave. Dominance theory has been debunked – ages ago. Talking about dominance as a way of training a dog or modifying behaviour is as idiotic as a scientist saying the world is flat and the sun goes around the earth. Seriously – there is no debate about it anymore – just let it go!

So after all that, let me say thank you – thank you to those clients who keep us sane. Thank you to those clients who ask for our advice BEFORE they add a new dog to the household. Thank you to those who come to class week in and week out, rain or shine, to work and have fun with their dogs and show us what people and dogs are capable of when a little effort and willingness to listen is applied. Thank you to all those clients who read our notes and reports and ask questions and have a genuine interest in the answers. Thank you to those who after starting off down the wrong path were willing to listen and allow us to help. You give us hope!


Every animal has the right to the following 5 Freedoms 🐾

Clean water bowl with fresh water every day 💦
Feed your pets with nutritious food (NOT bones🦴)
A Clean and comfortable area with shelter from heat and cold ☀️❄️
Keep you pet free from fleas, ticks and worms🪱 (if your pet is sick, seek immediate medical assistance)

Every pet deserves the right to be loved, cared for and treated with kindness 💙🐶🐱🐴🐰🐥🐷


Pet Lifestyle Magazine

This is horrific! Please consider carefully when looking for a precious pet. You may be supporting unscrupulous breeders...

This is horrific! Please consider carefully when looking for a precious pet. You may be supporting unscrupulous breeders.

Pedigree dogs are suffering from genetic diseases following years of inbreeding, an investigation has found.A BBC documentary says they are suffering acute problems because looks are emphasised o...


So true. If you have a dog, please don't move to a place where they can't go with you. If at all possible.

HOA rules are filling up animal shelters fro no reason


So important.

Important to understand your dog.

Important to understand your dog.

I hope one day this will be common knowledge, but until that day comes, I’ll continue educating!

Hugs are human, not canine!

(Our child and dog series refreshed!)


Come and join us. Jill will be representing Jbay Animal rescue table to answer all your questions. We are all out in Outreaches in Thornhill


Infographics provided by Oscar Winning Behavior


Keanu Reeves is a true dog lover 🐾

This is Matrix movie star Keanu Reeves. He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister battled leukemia.

No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.

When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours. In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought, a dogs love.

We 💖 Keanu Reeves and all our pet lovers.



What is scatter feeding? It's the scattering of food an any surface - grass, floors, decks, patios, stones, snuffle mats, in boxes, etc. - so that your dog or cat can search, forage or hunt for their food.

Did you know that MOST dogs love love love scatter feeding as it's internally rewarding to them? It switches on their 'hunting' genes and makes the whole process of foraging for food more exciting...

Did you know the food bowls are a popular thing because of GUARDIAN preferences and convenience? Also, lots of money to be made from different types and colours of food bowls...

Did you know that the best slow feeder you can find is the one outside your door? Also very inexpensive...

Did you know that scatter feeding can improve a lot of emotional and hence behaviour issues.

Did you know that scatter feeding and the subsequent foraging for food fills your dog's brain with positive neurochemicals which help with any stress, frustration, anxiety, boredom, food guarding, fear or low confidence.?

Did you know that most pet dogs never get to engage in a natural activity like scatter feeding while living in captivity because the guardians do not like it, as THEY think that scatter feeding is a weird idea irrespective of what the dog likes?

Did you know that the pros outweigh the cons? A dog's life in captivity is filled with risk everyday irrespective of how they eat. This method does not 'teach' them to sniff for or look for risky things like bird or fox p**p. Eating from a bowl does not teach them to be any less of a dog. Newsflash - irrespective of any eating method, they will sniff, lick and chew things that displease their guardians. After all they are dogs doing what comes naturally. You certainly cannot manage or stalk their every move 24/7...

When a behaviourist suggests scatter feeding, it's because it's based on years of studying the brain and understanding how to create positive emotions by the manipulation of key neurochemical and neurophysiological processes, so that there is a gradual change to more positive behaviours...

Emotions inform behaviour.
Change or improve the emotions and you will notice a change in behaviours.

Scatter feeding is not about throwing food on the floor. It did not take me and others like me years to learn to throw food on the floor. So trust that maybe sometimes, just sometimes, we may know what we are talking about😉

Don't like the idea? Use a Snuffle Mat. Use boxes to hide their food around the house. Use food dispensers. Try something. Shake up the status quo. Enrich their mundane lives somehow!

Try it. What do you have to lose? Some outdated views and beliefs maybe with respect to what makes your dog happy...?


🐶When it comes to understanding the behaviour of dogs, it's important to recognise that their actions are largely driven by emotions and instincts rather than a strict concept of good or bad behaviour. Dogs, as domesticated animals, have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years, leading to a complex interplay between their natural instincts and the unrealistic expectations of human society.

Dogs do not possess a moral compass like humans do. Instead, their behaviours are a result of their biological and emotional makeup.

🐾Modern dog breeds have been bred for specific physical traits or appearances rather than their original working purposes. However, their genetic heritage still influences their instincts and behaviours to a significant extent. Behaviours that might seem “Bad” in human terms, such as barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, and different breeds have been bred for various purposes that may involve barking. For instance, herding dogs like Border Collies were bred to control livestock by barking and directing them. Guard dogs were bred to alert their owners to potential threats by barking. While these behaviours were beneficial in their original contexts, they can become problematic in urban environments where excessive barking might disturb neighbours. This is not a behaviour that should be corrected or punished! The dog's emotional and physical needs should be met while working with a force-free trainer to help address, reduce, and manage the barking behaviour.

🐾Dogs learn from their interactions with other dogs, animals, and humans. Behaviours that are rewarded or reinforced, whether intentionally or unintentionally, tend to be repeated. This is why training and positive reinforcement are so important in shaping a dog's behaviour.

🐾Dogs experience a range of emotions, including happiness, fear, excitement, and anxiety. These emotions can drive behaviours that might not align with human expectations. For example, a dog that destroys furniture when left alone might be experiencing separation anxiety, rather than displaying "bad" behaviour.

🐾Dogs communicate through body language, barking, and other vocalizations. What might be perceived as aggressive behaviour, such as growling, could actually be a form of communication to indicate the dog is uncomfortable, fearful, or uncertain.

🐾Physical and mental well-being can greatly influence a dog's behaviour. Pain, illness, or discomfort can lead to behaviours that might appear problematic but are actually signs of the dog's attempt to cope with its condition.

🐾Dogs are sensitive to their environment, including noise levels, new people, and other animals. Their reactions to these stimuli can range from excitement to anxiety, which can influence their behaviour.

Labelling a dog's behaviour as inherently good or bad oversimplifies the complexity of their motivations. What's important is understanding the underlying factors driving the behaviour and addressing them in a humane and effective manner. Training, positive reinforcement, socialisation, and providing a safe and enriching environment all contribute to shaping a dog's behaviour in ways that are more compatible with human expectations.

Here is a free download for dog guardians. Please try it out. Building better relationships with your dogs.

Here is a free download for dog guardians. Please try it out. Building better relationships with your dogs.

Have you ever realized that you've been doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of the advice you give other people?

We are always telling people: Tell your dog what you want them to do (as opposed to telling them what NOT to do). It's so much easier to teach someone to DO the right thing, as opposed to teaching someone to avoid the wrong thing.

And yet, we often tell people DON'T FEED YOUR DOG FROM A FOOD BOWL.

Oh well, we're not perfect! But we always try to do better. So today, we're releasing a new Downloadable Document, BETTER THAN A BOWL, that puts the emphasis on some of the many ways you SHOULD use your dog's food in training, instead of focusing on what not to do.

As always, these documents are meant to be shared, downloaded, printed, and passed around, so if you like the message, please share it however you please!

If you'd like to learn more or download a PDF version of this new document, go to:

And if you'd like to learn EVEN MORE, you should sign up for our 1-MONTH FREE TRIAL of the Top Dog Academy, available for the next few days.

You'll get instant access to ALL of our online courses for an entire month for FREE. And if you sign up now, you'll also get access to PERSONALIZED SUPPORT FROM THE DUNBARS on our private Facebook group, exclusively for Top Dog Academy members.

That's right, we're giving away all of our courses, plus personalized advice, for FREE! That's how much we love helping people train their dogs.

Be careful about what you feed your dogs.

Be careful about what you feed your dogs.


You know not to feed your pet chocolate but did you know about these deadly common foods that just might end up on the floor of your kitchen on a daily basis?

Here’s what to watch out for.

Grapes and Raisins
The hazard for dogs is not just the small round shape that may get lodged in their throats – grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs. Ingesting even just one grape can cause sudden kidney failure. All breeds of all ages are at risk although not all dogs have this reaction. Be safe and rather find another treat.

Garlic and Onions
Stay away from seasonings if you are cooking a homemade dog or cat treat. Both garlic and onions are toxic, although garlic is five times more poisonous than onions. According to the US Pet Poison Helpline, “Onion and garlic poisoning results in oxidative damage to the red blood cells (making the red blood cells more likely to rupture) and gastroenteritis (e.g., nausea, oral irritation, drooling, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea).” All forms of garlic and onions are dangerous to dogs and cats, including fresh, powdered, dehydrated, and cooked.

Macadamia Nuts
As few as six macadamia nuts can be fatal to a dog, reports Pets Web MD. Whether fresh or in cookies, keep these nuts up high and away from your dog’s curious nose.

Eating avocado can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. However, in birds and rodents the food can cause death. The chemical persin, which is found in the leaves, seeds, and actual fruit of the avocado, is the cause of the destruction.

Has my pet been poisoned?
Symptoms of pet poisoning can vary from vomiting and diarrhea to pale gums and a racing heart and excessive thirst. If your pet is showing any signs of sickness call your veterinarian immediately.



🗞️We are in the news 😜. Makes me wanna woof! 🐶 Follow the hashtag for up to the minute news.


HEADS UP...its Corn on the Cob season! They can be DEADLY to dogs if they swallow them,,,, even just a piece of a cob .... can cause blockages.... BE SURE to throw them away correctly so dogs do NOT get them... thanks


Uncanny! 😂


Clients often are surprised when I say don't let the pup greet every dog or person they see. Allowing pups to run up to people or dogs sets him up for problems later on.
This along with understanding the pup needs to experience multiple exposures to different novel things AND each experience needs to be a positive one.


Please be a good pet parent and bring your pets inside.


Has your pet been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis? Would you like to learn more about how you can be the best Pet Parent for your dog?
Knowledge is the power to overcome Pet Pain.
Sign up today to participate in the Joint Care study! It’s FREE and will help you become better informed about caring for a pet with osteoarthritis.
To learn more or sign-up visit



You don't need to agree or disagree with this post, and neither do you need to defend your use of these tools.

What happens to our dogs when we use collars, slip leads, chock collars, prong collars, half chokes, halti or martingale collars on our dogs during a walk when they pull and lunge...?

Lymph ducts and nodes damage
Muscle strain, pain and injuries
Arteries and veins impacts
Higher blood pressure
Spinal cord damage
Nerve damage
Disk damage
Thyroid damage
Larynx damage
Oesophagus damage
Collapsed trachea
Increased reactivity due to negative associations
Pessimistic dogs
Increased adrenalin and cortisol levels
Break down in the trust relationship with your dog

Try and use a harness - a y-front harness if possible. Stay away from puppy and dog training schools that ask you to bring your dog with any neck device or collar for training. They either don't have the skill and knowledge to train your dog or they are looking for quick fixes 😉

If your dog is lunging and pulling on a walk, please contact a qualified FF pet professional, on or, who will assess the reasons for your dog's behaviour and work with you to improve this by using a harness. Sometimes your dog's reactivity has nothing to do with a harness or a tool but as a result of an emotional response to a stimulus or it is just a lack of skilled training to walk loose lead.

If your dog is an expert at loose lead walking while on a collar, or can walk without a lead and never be triggered but remains calm and neutral in the face of any stimulus, then this post does not apply to you. This post is about using neck devices to control, discipline, 'tame', train or "dominate' reactive dogs and those that lunge or pull during a walk.

If you defend any part of this post and claim that some of these tools are relevant and important for training some dogs or they are required for human convenience, then you are a balanced trainer. So own it!

Final note - don't be a YANKER. Use a harness 😉


Re head harnesses and gentle leaders - I do not think that they are FORCE-FREE as it hurts and causes discomfort to the sensitive nose and throat of the dog:

Please see many studies sent by Marianna Huttonvh speaking to the emotional and physical consequences of aversive training methods:



Your dog's behaviour isn't personal. Your dog isn't out to get you. There's no morality to behaviour - it's not good or bad, not right or wrong. It just simply is. And we can use it as communication and information to help us make appropriate decisions for our dog's training.

As much as dogs are "man's best friend", dogs are inherently opportunistic. They tend to do what works best for them, what makes them feel safe, and what gets them the fastest results without expending a lot of energy. Putting a label on their behaviour only serves to fracture the bond that we have with our amazing dogs. Instead, let's just take their behaviour at face value and use it to develop our skills to shape their behaviour moving forward.

A memory from a few years ago.... Cheryl & Jill..... with Honey.

A memory from a few years ago.... Cheryl & Jill..... with Honey.

Oribi Animal Hospital

Oribi Animal Hospital


Have you heard of Pancreatitis?

🐕 The pancreas is an organ that helps with the digestion of food. With pancreatitis it becomes inflammed and starts to digest itself, this is very painful for your pet.

🔗Click on the link in our Bio to find out more about the symptoms to look out for, and what can be done to effectively treat the condition.


Free Shipping on orders R650❗️


We hope everyone is keeping warm like Thembi on this cold winter's day!

After a successful surgery, our adorable pup is enjoying some well-deserved rest and relaxation! Here's a snapshot of her, snug as can be on her warm and comfy bed next to a hot water bottle on this chilly winter day. Let's shower her with positive vibes as she heals and gets back to her playful self! ❤️🐾 "

Thank you J-Bay Canvas for making these comfy sanitizable beds for our hospital patients😍



Jeffrey's Bay



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