In the beginning of this week, there was a lot of discussions going on about the past two major events, the Jan 8th of the ANC and the EFF Siyabonga campaign
The discussions are around what had happened in both events, what could be done and what shoulndt have happened
I had a lot of people calling and texting me asking my opinion about the two events hence this blog
Some says that yes the companies did well considering the situation and others are happy that those companies deserves what had happened
The thing, Event industry has endured a lot, most especially black owned companies, let alone the fact that we are still in the pandemic and companies are battling financially and otherwise, for anyone to say they deserve it, it is totally uncalled for, the fact that another black owned company has failed to deliver, put all the black owned company in bad shape with the clients
Now if everything had gone out right, the same client would have now be able to trust another black companies for their next event. Now once again it a case of “you give them a chace and then they disappoint you”
We go thru the most as industry, to be pointing fingers, laughing at another person’s demise, the industry is facing Challenges everyday and worse now with the COVID-19 pandemic, and this storm has not yet gone, the residue of this pandemic will linger on for years to come,
We have lost some of the industry giants to other countries like UAE, UK, US and the likes, these countries and now precious skills that had been invested for many year in South Africa and now enjoyed by others and that will take a very long time to recover(and I do believe we will recover)
Now to my fellow black owned companies, we must always remember the focus should always be on the delivery of the event, the show must go on regardless, with that being said we must always remember that, the client is always right (Within limits/scope of course). We should always aim for a flawless delivery, no compromise. We should always remember that every failure to deliver compromises another black company to get an opportunity, we must always aim for black excellent, it is in our best interest if we want to grow as an industry
So to my fellow Entertainment practitioners of South Africa. For the liberation of our industry, we have no choice but to support one another and assist each other. There is no other way to look at it, it’s a matter of must
Attacking each other and trying to appeal to the current status quo is illicit and must be challenged, it is our revolutionary duty to pave way for the next generation of practitioners. We are stronger in unity and this is the time