This is the perfect comfort food for a rainy day. Kitchiri with homemade fish cakes and masala chips😋😋#kitchiri #homemadefishcakes #masalachips #comfortfood #jjrdivinedivas
This is the perfect comfort food for a rainy day. Kitchiri with homemade fish cakes and masala chips😋😋#kitchiri #homemadefishcakes #masalachips #comfortfood #jjrdivinedivas
We now have these delicious Bollas available on Sundays. These are also known as drop doughnuts. They look similar to gulgulas but are different in taste and texture as these are dipped in syrup after frying. #bollas #dropdoughnuts #syrup
We now have these delicious Bollas available on Sundays. These are also known as drop doughnuts. They look similar to gulgulas but are different in taste and texture as these are dipped in syrup after frying. #bollas #dropdoughnuts #syrup
Say "I Love You" this Valentines Day with our red velvet cheesecake brownie. A decadent red velvet brownie topped with a layer of Cheesecake❤️❤️ DM me for more info. #redvelvetcheesecakebrownie #valentinesday #love
Say "I Love You" this Valentines Day with our red velvet cheesecake brownie. A decadent red velvet brownie topped with a layer of Cheesecake❤️❤️ DM me for more info. #redvelvetcheesecakebrownie #valentinesday #love
We are so excited to introduce Madelines to our menu. are small butter sponge cakes baked in shell shaped molds and originate from France. These are our Valentines Day themed Lemon Vanilla Madelines. DM Mr to place your orders😋😋 #madelines #lemon #buttercake #sponge
We are so excited to introduce Madelines to our menu. are small butter sponge cakes baked in shell shaped molds and originate from France. These are our Valentines Day themed Lemon Vanilla Madelines. DM me to place your orders😋😋 #madelines #lemon #buttercake #sponge
We will be closing during the Christmas/New Year period for a much deserved break. Orders for unfried Samoosas, Chicken Springrolls,Patha Rolls and Chicken Half moon pies close on the 05th Dec. PM me for prices or to place your order❤️.#samoosas #chickenspringrolls #patharolls #halfmoonpies
We will be closing during the Christmas/New Year period for a much deserved break. Orders for unfried Samoosas, Chicken Springrolls,Patha Rolls and Chicken Half moon pies close on the 05th Dec. PM me for prices or to place your order❤️.#samoosas #chickenspringrolls #patharolls #halfmoonpies
These PYO Christmas Cookie Kits are a great holiday activity for anyone. It includes 4 cookies, an edible paint pallete and a paintbrush. It will be packed in this awesome Christmas box. PM me to order yours. #pyochristmascookies #christmasactivity #christmasbaking #jjrdivinedivas
These PYO Christmas Cookie Kits are a great holiday activity for anyone. It includes 4 cookies, an edible paint pallete and a paintbrush. It will be packed in this awesome Christmas box. PM me to order yours. #pyochristmascookies #christmasactivity #christmasbaking #jjrdivinedivas