A message for the DJs and entertainers of Ashburn ( Oshabeni)
Bafwethu I feel we are growing but we need to align our growth with a common basic goal. Competion will always be there but we need not to be controlled by competition.
We have 3 places Oshabeni that have entertainment facilities
London Tavern Oshabeni
Kasi Life Shisanyama
pub and grill
So with only these 3 places available for us to make events and it appears that we have 3 days in one weekend so why not share these days. Not saying assigning each place with each day but we all know London always do Sundays so on a highly demanding weekend we can for example ake Kasi to be a friday, Japan to be a Sat.
What i feel should not start to happen is the 3 events on a single day in all these places.
Remember we are targeting the same people and abekho baningi ngaleyondlela to fill up 3 places on a same day. So taking them to one place on Friday, Saturday they go to another place and Sunday they all go to another. It's a all win situation.
While there is an event on one. NORMAL operations will continue in other places but entertainment will be more focused on the event venue.
So its the view we have as AshburnCo.