(Bottel en Bêre)
(Adrie Mahon
3 uie
10ml kerriepoeier
2 knoffelhuisies
5ml mosterdpoeier
500ml opgesnyde brandrissies
5ml fyn gemmer
250ml bruin asyn
5ml Gemengde kruie
750ml appelkoos konfyt
5ml sout
Skil uie en knoffel en maal saam met die rissies.
Voeg asyn by en kook dit 'n paar minute lank.
Roer res van die bestanddele by, verhit stadig tot dik, roer gereeld.
Bottel warm en verseël dadelik
4 groen "green peppers"
½ koppie water
6 teelepels sout
6 teelepels koekmeel
500 g tamaties
1½ koppie suiker
2 koppies asyn
½ teelepel paprika
½ teelepel borrie
1 teelepel mosterd
4 uie
Kap rissies, uie en tamaties op. Sprinkel nou 6 teelepels sout oor. Laat staan 6 ure - of oornag. Volgende dag dreineer jy dit deur' n sif, moenie afspoel nie. Kook asyn, suiker en mosterd vir 8 - 10 minute. Gooi nou die opgekapte groente by sous. Kook vir ongeveer 'n ½ uur, op 'n lae hitte. Meng nou ½ koppie water met paprika, borrie en koekmeel, gooi by groente. Kook vir so 'n paar minute deur. Bottel warm. Kan maande lank in yskas hou.
(Magriet Janssen)
500g ryp tamaties
1kg uie
500g soet rissies
30ml maizena
1+1/2ml paprika
125ml groente aftreksel
30ml sout
375ml asyn
375ml suiker
5ml mostert poeier
1+1/2ml borrie
Snipper groente fyn. Sprinkel sout oor en laat oornag staan.
Dreineer al die vloeistof af en hou 125ml.
Kook asyn, suiker en mostert tot opgelos.
Roer groente by en laat kook 10-15 minute.
Meng paprika, maizena en borrie en die 125ml aftreksel van groente, saam.
Voeg by groente en kook tot verdik.
Bottel warm.
Vir bietjie byt, voeg gemaalde rissie by na smaak net voor groente kook.
(JvVuuren Maria)
450 g green - red - orange sweet peppers
900 g bramley apples
675 g onions
900 g tomatoes
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp ground black pepper
1 litre pickling vinegar
250 g fruit sugar
Wash the peppers and cut in half. Then remove the stalk and any seeds and then chop the peppers finely. Peel, core and dice the apples, then finely dice the onions. Wash and dice the tomatoes and place in a large preserving pan. Stir in the paprika, cayenne pepper, ground black pepper and then stir in the vinegar and bring to the boil. Allow to simmer for about 45 minutes. Stir in the fruit sugar, stir until dissolved and continue to simmer until desired consistency is reached. Pour into warmed jars, cover and label. Store in a cool dark place for at least 3 months before using.
5 green peppers
4 jalapenos
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
2 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoon tamarind paste (available at all Indian stores)
1 tablespoon oil and salt to taste
Take a mixer and add the green peppers, jalapenos, turmeric, salt, sugar and tamarind paste. Add a little water and grind till it becomes a fine paste. Heat the oil in a saucepan and add the mustard seeds. After it crackles add the paste and sauté. Cook till it separates from the sides.
225 g tamarind
675 ml vinegar
100 g ginger root - grated
1 bulb garlic - chopped
15 ml mustard seeds
12 dried red chilies
3 green chilies
300 ml oil salt
450 g green (bell) peppers - chopped
225 g sugar
Soak the tamarind in half the vinegar for 30 minutes. Strain through a sieve and extract the pulp, discard the seeds. Grind the ginger, garlic mustard seeds and chilies in the remaining vinegar. Heat the oil and fry the ground spices and salt for 10 minutes. Add the peppers, sugar and tamarind pulp. Cook over a low heat until the liquid has evaporated and the oil floats to the top, stirring occasionally. Leave to cool. Store in airtight jars for at least a week before serving with any main courses.