WhatsApp: (76) 029 5137 / MailTo: [email protected]. Whether it is your wedding, Matric Ball or any other special occasion, we have something for you! LilyBlue was founded in 2009 as an independent Label that offers a fresh interpretation of Shoes and Accessories with emphasis on superior quality at an affordable price. Our aim is to bring something different and unique to the market to give ou
r clients a more exclusive range. We will make you look fabulous with our unique and stunning range of accessories!
- Lovely set combinations of Earrings/Bracelets and Necklaces
- Wedding/Special Occasion Earrings
- Wedding Garters
- Veils!
- Our famous "Nini" Shoe: Comfy dancing/wear-me-again
- Wedding Shoe Dressing
- Hair Accessories
- Wedding/Special Occasion Bracelets
- I-Do-Me-Too Stickers
- Heel Protectors for high heel Shoes
LilyBlue is a registered trademark in South Africa, Europe and the USA.