Celebrated Elinor's Surprise 40th, campstyle vibe this weekend
🔥Friday Supper
Snoek Braai
Crayfish, Mussel & Prawn Creamy Potjie served with fresh Breads
🔥Saturday Brekkie
Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Baked Beans with Breads, Coffee, Tea & Mimosas
Fulfilled Saturdays afternoon, road trip to Fryer's Cove in Thorn Bay (Doring baai) enjoying Oysters & Bubbly
Continued with Strandfontein & Pitstop for snacks at Papendorp watching the landscapes
🔥Saturday Braai
Lekker Loeriesfontein Tjoppies, Wors, Hoender, Knoffelbrood met Kool slaai & Queen B👑 Kerrie Noodle slaai
Contact PadlangsZA for camps or their annual missions. Like the FB & Instagram for more info or join the WhatsApp group