Fiesta Holding

Fiesta Holding Contact us on 009611843445 (Lebanon), 00971565559944 (UAE) and 00966569995353 (KSA) or email us at fi

As Fiesta Holding, being one of the top companies in the industry, our goal is to make each and every business opportunity a valuable long term relationship with our customers. With our 7 industries, more than 300 employees , huge production facility in Beirut, KSA and UAE, we have been providing the Lebanese and Arab market with top quality services and products for almost 27 years. Fiesta's subs

idiaries companies services are:

1- Themed Architecture & construction

2- Fireworks & Pyrotechnics

3- Entertainment

4- Healthcare

5- Tourism

6- Real Estate

7- Catering


This year, The Golden Entrepreneur Awards،
recognise and reward the excellent performing person from 20+ industries around the world.

If you believe that Architect Wissam El Akkawi's achievements and inspiring story of success deserve this Award, then it's time to reward him by voting on 20 September 2024 for the "Highly Successful Entrepreneur of year 2024 in the Arab Region".

Vote and support the passionate man who started small and dreamt big, who started his journey in his 20 years old, and is still dreaming and achieving,

Give your voice and appreciation to our modest and humble LEADER and not our BOSS, who is waiting for his doctorate PHD. at the age of 50.

Voting starts on 20 and ends on the 30th of September 2024,

The "Golden Tree Award's" Jury, already awarded Mr. El Akkawi with a 90/100 score, but still, your votes are considered 25% of the final awarding result on 9 November 2024 at the Gala Ceremony.


جائزة رواد الأعمال الذهبية، الذي تنظمها The Golden Tree Award في دبي هذا العام،

لتقدير ومكافأة رواد الاعمال ذوي الأداء المتميز في أكثر من 20 صناعة و مجال حول العالم.

فإن كنت تؤمن أن إنجازات المهندس وسام جودت العكاوي وقصة نجاحه الملهمة تستحق هذه الجائزة، فقد حان الوقت لمكافأته بمنحه صوتك في 20 سبتمبر 2024 لـ "رجل الأعمال الأكثر نجاحًا لعام 2024 في المنطقة العربية".

صوتوا وادعموا الرجل الشغوف الذي بدأ صغيرًا وحلم كبيرًا، والذي بدأ رحلته في العشرين من عمره، ولا يزال يحلم، يخطط و ينجز نجاحات لوطنه الصغير لبنان و وطنه الكبير العالم العربي،

امنحوا صوتكم وتقديركم لقائدنا الملهم المتواضع وليس لرئيسنا في العمل، الذي ينتظر شهادة الدكتوراه في عقده الخامس.

يبدأ التصويت يوم 20 وينتهي يوم 30 سبتمبر 2024،

لقد منحت لجنة تحكيم The Golden Tree Awards المهندس وسام العكاوي درجة تميّز و هي 90/100 و هي تعتبر الاعلى، ولكن رغم ذلك، تشكل أصواتكم 25% من نتيجة الجائزة النهائية التي سيعلن عنها في 9 نوفمبر 2024 في حفل توزيع الجوائز في دبي، إمارة التألق و التميز.

Contact us on 009611843445 (Lebanon), 00971565559944 (UAE) and 00966569995353 (KSA) or email us at fi

Happy Women's Emirati DayWe are celebrating this day to honour the Emirati woman, who over the last five decades, her im...

Happy Women's Emirati Day
We are celebrating this day to honour the Emirati woman, who over the last five decades, her impact across sectors has been nothing short of profound.

From women excelling in entrepreneurship to achieving breakthroughs in the field of science covering a myriad of industries, Emirati women have continually been an integral part of the UAE’s pivotal growth.

نحتفي بيوم المرأة الاماراتية، لتكريم مجتمع و وطن آمن بدور المرأة و منحها حقوقا و واجبات و فرص، فكانت الاماراتيات في طليعة مسيرة النهضة و الابتكار و بناء وطن يفخر به أبناؤه، فكن فاعلات في بناء مستقبل مشرق لأمة اضحت مثالا للتفوق و التميز.
فكل عام و انتن فخر هذا الوطن.

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journ...

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journey since its founding.

JUNE 1998

It was a coincidence ... we met in August 1997 the honorable Mrs. Elham Halabi, who was the director of the graduates department at BUC University at the time, which is today known in Beirut as LAU University,

Where we gathered at the BUC class 1997 graduation ceremony at the Meshref Club,
at that time we were decorating their ceremony with balloons.

Mrs. Halabi, after a friendly conversation, was impressed by Hadi and I’s passion and ambition, as we were working and at the same time, it was our year of graduation from university as master’s degree in Architecture with honor.

She offered us to open her closed shop in Koreitem, which was a home accessories showroom, and pushed us to turn it into a balloons decoration shop with a six months free rent as a support.

And this is what happened. We opened the first balloons store in Lebanon and the Arab countries before joining the military service.

At that time, Hadi Khalil my partner and brother, traveled to America and followed an intensive training programme at "Qualatex" in balloon decorations to become professional and teach our team in Beirut.

As for me, I left to Malaysia to sign with the Nb. 1 balloons company in Europe: "Everts", where their factory was located in the city of Malacca.

This is the story of year 1998 and a part of our golden archive, which was a turning point in Fiesta's journey and story of success.

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journ...

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journey since its founding.

July 1996
The idea was to establish a wholesale balloons line, to print latex balloons with occasional designs,
Birthday, new baby born, get well, Christmas, Ramadan, Eid mubarak, Easter, just married, ... and much more.

So with such idea, we had to find a name or brand for these bags filled with 12, 24 and 100 balloons, and make display in 3 sizes for supermarkets.

And after lot discussions for choosing the right name, Fiesta balloons was the winning choice and we designed our first logo with the balloons in 3 colors.

It was a step forward in our journey, as the COOP in Lebanon was our first valuable client with 26 branches all over the country,
Later on, our stands were displayed in 450 shops, and sales and logistic process became huge and day by day professional, and fiesta balloons bags start showing in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Nigeria, and all GCC.

كل سنة وأنتم طيبين بمناسبة السنة الهجرية الجديدة. في هذه المناسبة نهنئ جميع الأصدقاء وزملاء و زبائننا الكرام سائلين المو...

كل سنة وأنتم طيبين بمناسبة السنة الهجرية الجديدة.
في هذه المناسبة نهنئ جميع الأصدقاء وزملاء و زبائننا الكرام سائلين المولى عز وجل أن يمتعكم بدوام الصحة والعافية وأن تكون سنة خير حافلة بالنجاح والإنجازات، و سنة سلام و عدل و طمأنينة.

Wishing you a Happy Hijri New Year.
On this occasion, we congratulate all our dear friends, colleagues and customers, asking God to grant you good health and wellness and to have a good year full of success and achievements, and a year of peace and justice.

بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره، وببالغ الحزن و الأسى، ننعي المربي الفاضل جودت أحمد العكاوي (أبو وسام)، والد مؤسس و رئيس مج...

بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره، وببالغ الحزن و الأسى،
ننعي المربي الفاضل جودت أحمد العكاوي (أبو وسام)، والد مؤسس و رئيس مجلس ادارة "شركة فياستا القابضة" المهندس وسام العكاوي،

"جودت العكاوي" الملهم، الذي قضى اكثر من ٦٠ عاماً من العطاء و العمل الدؤوب من أجل تعليم الأجيال و رفع مستوى الثقافة و الوعي و القيم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية و الوطنية في مجتمعه و وطنه.

نسأل الله تعالى أن يتغمده بواسع رحمته، وأن يلهم أهله و ذويه الصبر و السلوان، و نخص بالتعزية المهندس وسام العكاوي، و مديرة مجموعة فياستا القابضة في الامارات العربية المتحدة السيدة نادين العكاوي، و مدير مجموعة فياستا القابضة، و مؤسس و مدير عام شركتي arcus contracting و greystone contracting في المملكة العربية السعودية المهندس حسام العكاوي.
إنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون.

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journ...

On the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, we are sharing with you milestones that were distinctive in the company’s journey since its founding.

June 1994
It was the start with our fiesta's legend balloons printing machine.
Fiesta Holding journey started from an offset manual balloons printing machine, with a budget of 3500 USD.

That time, the dreamer, our CEO Mr. Wissam El Akkawi, was still an Architecture student - second year.

Our first order of printing on , was for Exotica Flowershop in .

A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.Happy father's day...

A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.
Happy father's day...

عيد أضحى مبارك، نسأل الله أن يجعله عيدا يملؤه الخير والبركات و السلام و العدل، و أن يزيل القهر و الظلم عن بلادنا و اهلنا...

عيد أضحى مبارك، نسأل الله أن يجعله عيدا يملؤه الخير والبركات و السلام و العدل، و أن يزيل القهر و الظلم عن بلادنا و اهلنا في كل ارض منكوبة،
وأن يعيده علينا وعليكم بالصحة والسلامة والإيمان.

On this blessed day of Eid-ul-Adha, may your life be filled with the spirit of sharing, love, and compassion.
May you and your family have a joyous celebration and a fulfilling year ahead. Adha Mubarak

A new icon is born ...And just added to our Fiesta Holding Family Welcome on board

A new icon is born ...
And just added to our Fiesta Holding Family
Welcome on board

Looking for answers? Our expert consultants are ready to answer all your business queries.

Get in touch with us:
📞: +971 50 146 1480
☎ +971 4 88 68 913
📩 [email protected]
🏙 Office 105, Atrium Business Centre, Oud Metha, Dubai, UAE


Igual Gulf Fireworks, the World-Class Imagineers and Pyro Designers Growing from a one-man business to a national enterprise over 25 years, we use our vast experience and insights to our – and your – advantage.

Through the provision of excellence in product quality, customer services, safety standards, and creativity, IGF aims to become one of the premier ranked pyrotechnics companies in GCC. Our vision is to awe and inspires through the implementation of creative innovation and state-of-the-art technology.



By forging our place in pyrotechnic history over many years, we know exactly what we are doing and why. You are not only safe with IGF, but you are also in the company of pyrotechnic experts who fully understand firework past, present, and future.


Because not every trip is planned, we make sure to have great last-minute flight deals. Get the best fares on flights only with Traventure.

Dubai Office Inquiries & Booking Call/Whatsapp:
📞: +971 56 22 32 894
📞: +971 50 406 4006
☎ +971 4 88 68 913
📩 [email protected]
💻Visit us at
🏙 Office 105, Atrium Business Centre, Oud Metha, Dubai, UAE.

Get in touch with us for Karachi Office:
📞: +92 300 92 32 920
📞: +92 300 92 32 921
☎ +92 21 35 66 05 05
📩 [email protected]
🏙 Office No. 721, Building Trade Tower, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi, Pakistan

في عيد العمال لا يسعنا الا ان نتوجه الى كل عامل و موظف و مدير و مسؤول في شركتنا، لكي نقول له شكرا و الف شكر على عطائك و ...

في عيد العمال لا يسعنا الا ان نتوجه الى كل عامل و موظف و مدير و مسؤول في شركتنا، لكي نقول له شكرا و الف شكر على عطائك و اخلاصك و محبتك و دورك في اعلاء اسم الشركة لتكون نجما ساطعا في محيطها و عالمها،

في عائلتنا تتنوًع الصفات و القدرات و الجنسيات و الالوان و التقاليد و المذاهب و الطوائف، و لا يوحدها الا انتماؤنا جميعا، مهما اختلفت مناصبنا، إلى عائلة واحدة متراصة و مؤمنة و طموحة.

اما العمل، فتبركة العمر حسن العمل، فلا قياس للإنسان أفضل من عمله، فخير العمل ما نفع، وخير الهدى ما اتبع.
قد تبدو البطالة جذابة للبعض من جيرانك او اصحابك، لكن العمل هو ما يقنعك و ينفعك.

اجعل من عملك متعة مهما زادت المسؤوليات و تراكمت، جد عملاً تحبه، و إن لم تجده فثابر و اجتهد ليصبح متعة، فعندما يكون العمل متعة تكون الحياة مبهجة.

كما ان أجمل ما قيل عن العمل بأنه يبعد عن الإنسان ثلاثة شرور: السأم، والرذيلة، والحاجة... فالمستقبل يصنعه القلم لا السواك، والعمل لا الاعتزال، والعقل لا الدروشة، والمنطق لا الرصاص.

ما قرن شيء إلى شيء أفضل من إخلاص إلى تقوى، ومن حلم إلى علم، ومن صدق إلى عمل، فهي زينة الأخلاق.

يا سفراء الخير لشركاتنا الشامخة باذن الله، انتم مرآة انجازاتنا أينما حلًيتم، كما انتم سفراء اوطانكم الحقيقيون، ترفعون بعطائكم و انجازاتكم راية بلادكم المنهكة و تمدونها عونا بالحب و الإخلاص و المال، لكي يأتي يوم و نراها متعافية، فننقل إليها انجازتنا و خبراتنا بكل فخر، و نكون فيها جزءا من ورشة اعمار البشر و الحجر.

فهنيئا لكم في عيدكم و كل عام و انتم بصحة و عافية
الف شكر

On Labor Day, we can only say to every worker, employee, manager, and official in our company, thank you for your giving, sincerity, love, and role in raising the name of the company to be a shining star in its surroundings and world.

In our family, there are diverse characteristics, abilities, nationalities, colors, traditions, and sects, and they are only united by our all belonging, regardless of our different positions, to one compact, faithful, and ambitious family.

As for work, the blessing of life is good work. There is no better measure for a person than his work. The best work is what benefits it, and the best guidance is what is followed.

Unemployment may seem attractive to some of your neighbors or friends, but work is what convinces and benefits you.

Make your work a pleasure, no matter how many responsibilities increase or accumulate. Find a job that you love, and if you do not find it, persevere and work hard to make it a pleasure. When work is a pleasure, life is joyful.

Also, the most beautiful thing that has been said about work is that it keeps a person away from three evils: boredom, vice, and need... The future is created by the pen, not alcoholand drugs, work, not isolation, reason, not brush, and logic, not bullets.

Nothing is combined with anything better than sincerity to piety, dream to knowledge, and honesty to work, for they are the adornment of morals.

You are ambassadors of goodness for our beloved companies, you are the mirror of our achievements wherever you go, just as you are the true ambassadors of your homelands. With your giving and your achievements, you raise the flag of your exhausted countries and provide it with love, sincerity, and money to help it, so that one day we will see it recovering, so we can transfer our achievements and experiences to it with pride. And we will be part of the holly construction for rebuilding people's moral and stone.

Congratulations to you on this occasion and may you be in good health every year
thanks a lot

بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك، نرفع لكم أسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات، سائلين المولى عز وجل، أن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأ...

بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك، نرفع لكم أسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات، سائلين المولى عز وجل، أن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال وأن يعيده علينا وعليكم باليمن والبركات، وأن يمن على بلادنا بنعمة السلام و الأمن والازدهار.
عسى الله أن يغمر حياتكم بالسعادة، وقلبكم بالحب، وروحكم بالطمأنينة، وعقلكم بالحكمة، أتمنى لكم عيدًا سعيدًا.

Eid Mubarak! May the joyous of Eid-ul-Fitr, bring you peace and happiness, and may God's blessings be with you today and always.
Wishing you and your family a prosperous Eid Fitr filled with love, laughter, and togetherness.

#عيدالفطر #عيدالفطرالمبارك2024

This Easter, may God bless you with abundant happiness, love, laughter and everything you wish for. Happy Easter to you ...

This Easter, may God bless you with abundant happiness, love, laughter and everything you wish for. Happy Easter to you and your family!

Home is wherever Mom is. Keep calm and call her, surprise her, make her day... she's the World, she deserves.

Home is wherever Mom is. Keep calm and call her, surprise her, make her day... she's the World, she deserves.

كل عام وأنتم مزاحمين النعم والخير، وناعمين بفضل الله عليكم، أعاد الله لنا شهر رمضان المبارك بالخير والبركات.نسأل الله لك...

كل عام وأنتم مزاحمين النعم والخير، وناعمين بفضل الله عليكم، أعاد الله لنا شهر رمضان المبارك بالخير والبركات.
نسأل الله لكم أن يجعل هذا الشهر مباركًا عليكم، و أن يكتب لنا خير هذا الشهر وخير ما فيه و خير ما بعده.

Ramadan Mubarak! May this holy month bring you closer to God and fill your heart with peace and contentment.

Here's to the women who dream big, and break barriers, shatter ceilings, and pave the way. Today, on International Women...

Here's to the women who dream big, and break barriers, shatter ceilings, and pave the way. Today, on International Women's Day, Fiesta Holding celebrate every woman's strength, resilience, and grace.
Your light illuminates the world.
Keep shining, keep leading.

Today is Valentine’s Day—a great reason for letting you know how much Fiesta’s family, Fiesta Holding and its subsidiari...

Today is Valentine’s Day—a great reason for letting you know how much Fiesta’s family, Fiesta Holding and its subsidiaries companies appreciate and love you. Enjoy the day!


House of Hype, a Digital Wonderland in Riyadh...

A challenging project executed by Fiesta Holding and its subsidiaries companies Atrium Architecture، Greystone Contracting and ARCUS Contracting as main contractors,

A project delivered in 80 days ... Proud to add this Icon to our golden archive.

We Simply Give Persona to the Void !



Atrium Business Center

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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