We are a group of very passionate videographers individuals and friends. All with a clear vision and well defined in these 7 years of work. With a primary role in documenting videographic aspects in weddings and important ceremonies of your life. And numerous recognitions in the list of clients that choose us, absolutely. Customers who do not try to convince at all but are a choice driven by the d
esire to cooperate and recognize each other in this regard. In this website you will find a small percentage of our work great. A slight odor of how to understand the style and proximity of those who create with our subjects. Filming is a huge job and hard work, but fun and with an indescribable sensation in these words. What is important and remains as your character in the footage, nothing bad arranged and nothing not natyral.The wedding is a fantastic event, what will remain after us is the most wonderful time. Based in Tirana, Albania, serve in all countries where there is a particle of love. For bookings are open at any time to meet and talk and to understand more about each other.