Te shnderrosh cdo enderr ne nje realitet te jetuar, te perkthesh idene ne realizim unik, te ndalesh ne cdo detaj te menduar per t’i dhene formen ideale ne stilim, te japesh jete ne cdo grimce preferenciale, te vendosesh denjesisht nje standard te ri ne vend...
Ky ishte synimi i “Andrra Couture” teksa punonim intensivisht per koleksionin e vitit 2019, i cili nga sot vjen tek ju si nje dhurate e pandeshur me pare!
Make-up: @arber_bytyqi_mua
Video: @provideoalbania
Transforming any dream into a live reality, turning an idea into a unique product, working on every single detail with intent to give it the ideal form of styling, bringing to life every personal preference, and proudly setting a new standard in Albania ...
This has been the goal of "Andrra Couture" as we have worked intensively on the 2019 collection, that today we present as sacred gift from us to you!