Carlota‘s Bedroom - music theater monodrama by Arturo Fuentes

Carlota‘s Bedroom - music theater monodrama by Arturo Fuentes News about “Carlota’s Bedroom” production, created by Arturo Fuentes for Sarah Maria Sun and K

"Because I am a vivid trembling memory, a flaming memory that feeds and burns itself up, that consumes itself to be rebo...

"Because I am a vivid trembling memory, a flaming memory that feeds and burns itself up, that consumes itself to be reborn and spread its wings. I have eagle wings that I stole from a Mexican flag".

Festival Internacional de Chihuahua - Festival Vértice UNAM - Sarah Maria Sun - Arturo Fuentes - Sandra Victoria Aguilar -

[commissioned by FONCA & Klangspuren Schwaz - produced by LITH Lightness Theatre Innsbruck - published by LondonHall Editions]

Today, Monday 24, last day to hear Carlotas Zimmer on internet: Arturo Fuentes -  Sarah Maria Sun - Klangforum Wien - Kl...

Today, Monday 24, last day to hear Carlotas Zimmer on internet:
Arturo Fuentes - Sarah Maria Sun - Klangforum Wien - Klangspuren Schwaz


Tonight CARLOTAS ZIMMER radio broadcast !
Zeit-Ton, Austrian radio Ö1, 23:03
live link:
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :

Merci à Bertrand Bolognesi (Anaclase) pour la très bonne chronique de Carlotas Zimmer !"Carlotta s’enfouit toute habillé...

Merci à Bertrand Bolognesi (Anaclase) pour la très bonne chronique de Carlotas Zimmer !

"Carlotta s’enfouit toute habillée dans un miasme de salle d’eau. À fleur de peau, trempée, elle émet tout près de nous les dernières vibrations, rehaussée de son propre double vocal, diffusé par les haut-parleurs. Aucune rhétorique du souvenir, dans ce spectacle en coup de poing qui toujours défend fièrement son personnage – bravo !"

"Au soprano Sarah Maria Sun Sarah Sun revient une partie redoutable et fascinante, volontiers acrobatiques, qu’elle honore avec une maestria hors du commun animée d’une présence dramatique puissante – on a beau chercher, l’on ne parvient pas à imaginer d’autre chanteuse à la hauteur d’une telle incarnation"

"Par la musique comme par la vidéo et la mise en scène, Arturo Fuentes propose une plongée fulgurante dans ce destin à la noire grandeur, fébrilement bercé par l’espoir, l’enthousiasme, la déception et l’attente, enfin l’angoisse et la solitude psychotique."

"Conjuguant fragmentations et continuum, etparfois même de très discrets idiomatismes mexicains, comme en fragile réminiscence, l’écriture orchestrale (une quinzaine d’instrumentistes, environ - Klangforum Wien), où s’invite la gelure énigmatique de l’accordéon, paraît diablement contaminée par le désarroi affectif et mental qui fait le sujet de ce bouleversant monodrame dominé par un halo campanaire, enregistrement démultiplié d’une cloche incroyablement régulière marié à l’artifice des cloches-tubes, accelerando.

Arturo Fuentes - Sarah Maria Sun - Klangforum Wien - Klangspuren Schwaz

À partir du roman "Noticias del imperio" de Fernando del Paso (1987), le compositeur Arturo Fuentes a conçu un monodrame fascinant qui met en scène le désarroi affectif et mental de l'ex-impératrice du Mexique, Charlotte de Belgique. Le rôle est tout spécialement écrit pour le soprano allema...

Carlotas Zimmer“: Ein böser Traum, der nicht endetDas Monodrama „Carlotas Zimmer“ von Arturo Fuentes erlebte seine Urauf...

Carlotas Zimmer“: Ein böser Traum, der nicht endet
Das Monodrama „Carlotas Zimmer“ von Arturo Fuentes erlebte seine Uraufführung. Die Geschichte Charlotte von Mexikos als beklemmendes Porträt im experimentell-musikalischen Gewand.
Sarah Maria Sun - Klangforum Wien - Klangspuren Schwaz

Das Monodrama „Carlotas Zimmer“ von Arturo Fuentes erlebte seine Uraufführung. Die Geschichte Charlotte von Mexikos als beklemmendes Porträt im experimentell-musikalischen Gewand.

Carlotas Zimmer - Klangspuren 2018

Carlotas Zimmer - Klangspuren 2018

Musiktheater Monodrama. Arturo Fuentes, music, stage design and direction. Sarah Maria Sun, Klangforum Wien, Johannes Kalitzke. Sandra Victoria Aguilar, actress in film. Fernando del Paso. Klangspuren Schwaz 2018

Tonight CARLOTAS ZIMMER radio broadcast ! Zeit-Ton, Austrian radio Ö1, 23:03live link:

Tonight CARLOTAS ZIMMER radio broadcast !
Zeit-Ton, Austrian radio Ö1, 23:03
live link:
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :

Carlota in dark, a costume design by Arturo Fuentes & Eva Praxmarer for Sarah Maria Sun. Saturday premiere!—-Carlotas Zi...

Carlota in dark, a costume design by Arturo Fuentes & Eva Praxmarer for Sarah Maria Sun. Saturday premiere!
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

Working on the corrected version of the score for the Austrian radio ORF. Broadcast of the whole CARLOTAS ZIMMER on the ...

Working on the corrected version of the score for the Austrian radio ORF.
Broadcast of the whole CARLOTAS ZIMMER on the 17th September, 23:03, Zeit-Ton program, with Stefan Höllwerth.
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

Carlota is on town... approaching the final line !—-Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)Music theater monodramaSarah Mari...

Carlota is on town... approaching the final line !
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

1 month countdown for the premiere!Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)Music theater monodramaSarah Maria Sun & Klangforu...

1 month countdown for the premiere!

Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
With Sandra Victoria Aguilar (film actress)
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

You walk into a room of sounds and oblivion...—-Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)Music theater monodramaSarah Maria Su...

You walk into a room of sounds and oblivion...
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

Light and broken, reflecting the psychological state of CARLOTA "Empress of oblivion", a costume design by Arturo Fuente...

Light and broken, reflecting the psychological state of CARLOTA "Empress of oblivion", a costume design by Arturo Fuentes for Sarah Maria Sun made by Eva Praxmarer.

Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

Sarah Maria Sun, Arturo Fuentes and Matthias Osterwold presenting in a downtown bookstore in Innsbruck the new productio...

Sarah Maria Sun, Arturo Fuentes and Matthias Osterwold presenting in a downtown bookstore in Innsbruck the new production CARLOTAS ZIMMER.
“Klangspuren Café” 19th. June.
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

Visit the Klangspuren website !CARLOTAS ZIMMER ---Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)Music theater monodramaSarah Maria ...

Visit the Klangspuren website !

Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz, 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press

« zurück.

The postcards arrived !---Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)Music theater monodramaSarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J...

The postcards arrived !
Carlotas Zimmer (Carlota's Bedroom)
Music theater monodrama
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz, 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press contact

"Carlota" is Sarah Maria Sun (picture). A great article written by Martin Mutschler about this music theatre monodrama (...

"Carlota" is Sarah Maria Sun (picture).
A great article written by Martin Mutschler about this music theatre monodrama (in German).
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Based on Fernando del Paso "Noticias del Imperio"
Klangspuren Schwaz, 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press contact

Martin Mutschler kündigt in der MUSIKZEITUNG FÜR GEGENWART, Ausgabe 2018, das neue "Monodrama einer vergessenen Kaiserin" von Komponist Arturo Fuentes an.

"Sarah Maria Sun und das Klangforum Wien machen die Reise ins Innere der Seele erlebbar."

Carlota‘s Bedroom - music theater monodrama by Arturo Fuentes wird im Rahmen des Klangspuren Schwaz Festivals am 8. September 2018 uraufgeführt:

Am 19. Juni 2018 geben Komponist Arturo Fuentes und Sarah Maria Sun in der Klangspuren Café Talkrunde Einblicke in das Projekt:

Arrived today! some extra books in german of the great novel "Noticias del Imperio" (News from the Empire, Nachrichten a...

Arrived today! some extra books in german of the great novel "Noticias del Imperio" (News from the Empire, Nachrichten aus dem Imperium) written by Fernando del Paso (Mexico 1935).

“Ich bin Marie Charlotte Amelie Viktoria Clementine Leopoldina, Fürstin von nichts und niemand, Herrscherin über Traum und Schaum, Könonig von Phantasie und Vergessen, Kaiserin der Lüge. Heute kam der Bote, um mir Nachrichten aus dem Imperium zu bringen, und er sagte mir, daß Charles Lindbergh in einem eisernen Vogel über den Atlantik kommt, um mich zurück zu tragen nach Mexiko.”

“Yo soy María Carlota Amelia Victoria Clementina Leopoldina, Princesa de la Nada y del Vacío. Soberana de la Espuma y de los Sueños, Reina de la Quimera y del Olvido, Emperatriz de la Mentira: hoy vino el mensajero a traerme noticias del Imperio, y me dijo que Carlos Lindbergh está cruzando el Atlántico en un pájaro de acero para llevarme de regreso a México.”

Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Klangspuren Schwaz, 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press contact

Technical meeting today, scenography details and... where do we place the flying bed !----Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum W...

Technical meeting today, scenography details and... where do we place the flying bed !
Sarah Maria Sun & Klangforum Wien, J. Kalitzke
Arturo Fuentes, music, stage direction
Klangspuren Schwaz, 8, 9 Sept. 2018
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina, press contact

Press conference with Matthias Osterwold, director Klangspuren and Arturo Fuentes, composer and stage ! ...

Press conference with Matthias Osterwold, director Klangspuren and Arturo Fuentes, composer and stage ! Presenting CARLOTAS ZIMMER.
*Follow the project :
*Post by: Danai Tzina


Keep you informed about this music theater-monodrama production, premiere 8th and 9th September at the Klangspuren Festival, Schwaz, Austria.


Tomorrow 23.05, press conference by Klangspuren Festival presenting CARLOTAS ZIMMER (Carlota’s bedroom)!



Wallpachgasse 11


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