Original ITF Taekwon-Do

Original ITF Taekwon-Do Organisation for Taekwon-Do education and certification.


Happy Birthday!

Today, 20.01.2025, we celebrate this special day and birthday of Master Valerie Keane.

On behalf of all ITF members from around the world, we wish you good health in your hard work.



Be a part of an online technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong!

Buďte součástí online mezinárodního technického semináře s Velmistrem Hwang Ho-yongem!

Registrace/registration: https://data.taekwondo-itf.com/event/31780/8640

EITF Taekwon-Do Original ITF Taekwon-Do Hoyong Hwang


Columna del Presidente
A horas de terminar el año, y a comenzar una nueva vuelta al Sol llega el momento del balance.
Fue un año importante para nuestro continente Americano, aportando un gran trabajo y apoyo irrestricto a nuestra querida ITF y al Taekwon-Do ITF Original - Oficial , Lógicamente sorteando obstáculos en cada Pais miembro, pero con logros maravillosos!!!
Felicitaciones a todos los líderes - NGB miembros ITF, de los diferentes países, por la labor que desempeñan, con un desarrollo sostenido, marcando una referencia importante en cada región, a lo largo y ancho de nuestro amado continente.
Siento un sano orgullo por el éxito logrado en los Juegos Panamericanos de Peñuelas Puerto Rico al igual que el Internacional de Foz de Iguazú que pusieron a PTC en la consideración del Mundo .
Aprovecho para expresar el profundo agradecimiento por habernos dado el voto de confianza y apoyo a quien suscribe a GM Adolfo Villanueva y GM Dr. Enrique Deacon en la labor que desempeñamos como Presidente de PTC , Vice Presidente de ITF e EBM ITF Comite de Ética-Disc. Sec. Gral de. PTC , respectivamente, lo que nos compromete a seguir adelante con el proyecto integrador, con el objetivo de hacer grande entre todos al Taekwon-Do ITF Americano y de esa manera cumplir con el legado de nuestro padre el Gral Choi Hong Hi. y la gestión de nuestro querido Sr. presidente de ITF Prof. GM Ri Yong Son.
Sígamos transitando juntos el SAM DO el GRAN DO de la misma manera, sabiendo con alto grado de consciencia y humildad que se hizo mucho ! Pero que aún falta mucho por hacer!!
No permitamos que nada ni nadies nos quite nuestros sueños !!!!
Les comparto con humildad y afecto el disparador Psicológico que aplico cada día de mi vida, en busca de los objetivos !!
Repitamos juntos !!!
Todo es Posible!!!!!
Juntos Triunfaremos !!!!
Nuestra Mente es en consciencia !!!
Nuestro Espíritu es de Acero!!!
Nuestra arma es Perfecta!!!
SALUD !!!! 🥂🥂🥂
Feliz Viaje en una nueva vuelta al Sol durante el 2025!!!!
Para toda la Familia PTC-ITF

Ing. GM Osvaldo Ríos Olivero
Presidente PTC

Column of the President
Hours before the end of the year, and beginning a new turn around the Sun, the time has come to take stock.
It was an important year for our American continent, providing great work and unrestricted support to our beloved ITF and to the Original - Official ITF Taekwon-Do, logically overcoming obstacles in each member country, but with wonderful achievements!!!
Congratulations to all the leaders - NGB members of the ITF, from the different countries, for the work they do, with sustained development, marking an important reference in each region, throughout the length and breadth of our beloved continent.
I feel a healthy pride for the success achieved in the Pan American Games in Peñuelas, Puerto Rico, as well as the International Games in Foz de Iguazú, which put PTC in the consideration of the World.
I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for having given us the vote of confidence and support to the undersigned GM Adolfo Villanueva and GM Dr. Enrique Deacon in the work we perform as President of PTC, Vice President of ITF and EBM ITF Ethics Committee-Disc. Sec. Gral de. PTC, respectively, which commits us to continue forward with the integrative project, with the objective of making American ITF Taekwon-Do great among all and in this way fulfill the legacy of our father General Choi Hong Hi. and the management of our dear Mr. ITF President Prof. GM Ri Yong Son.
Let us continue to travel together the SAM DO the GREAT DO in the same way, knowing with a high degree of consciousness and humility that much has been done! But that there is still much to do!!
Let us not allow anything or anyone to take away our dreams!!!!
I humbly and affectionately share with you the Psychological trigger that I apply every day of my life, in search of the objectives !!
Let's repeat together !!!
Everything is Possible !!!!!
Together We Will Succeed !!!!
Our Mind is in Consciousness !!!
Our Spirit is Steel !!!
Our Weapon is Perfect !!!
TAE !!!!!!!!
KWONN !!!!!!
DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEALTH !!!! 🥂🥂🥂
Happy Journey on a new trip around the Sun during 2025 !!!!
For the entire PTC-ITF Family

Eng. GM Osvaldo Ríos Olivero
PTC President


Happy Birthday!

Today, 30.12.2024, we celebrate this special day and birthday of Grand Master John Williamson.

On behalf of all ITF members from around the world, we wish you good health in your hard work.


In Memoriam: Grand Master Low Koon Linhttps://www.itf-tkd.org/news/show/grand-master-low-koon-lin-1927-2024-malaysian-ta...

In Memoriam: Grand Master Low Koon Lin

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Grand Master Low Koon Lin, a revered pioneer of Taekwon-Do in Malaysia.

Grand Master Low Koon Lin dedicated his entire life to the advancement of ITF Taekwon-Do, leaving behind a legacy of passion and commitment to our art. His contributions have touched many lives, and he will always be remembered for his enduring dedication.

Our thoughts are with his family and the Taekwon-Do community during this difficult time.

Original ITF Taekwon-Do


Happy Birthday!

Today, 19.12.2024, we celebrate this special day and birthday of Grand Master Palmisano Eduardo.

On behalf of all ITF members from around the world, we wish you good health in your hard work.



Happy Birthday!

Today, 18.12.2024, we celebrate this special day and birthday of Grand Master Rachana Chourasia Rajendran.

On behalf of all ITF members from around the world, we wish you good health in your hard work.



Draugasse 3


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