So glad, to have The Gruesomes in Vienna on 8th of July !!
What a great tour Poster 😎
Get you tickets right in time !!!
Ticket Link: https://ntry.at/thegruesomes
With a bunch of European shows this summer, we asked our man Furillo in Spain if he could design a cool poster with as many Euro tropes as possible. And, yeah, did he ever…check this out!
So, what’s going on here? It would seem The Gruesomes are once again happily motoring across the Continent, totally oblivious to the horrors and dangers surrounding them.
For the Austrian show, it looks like Emperor Franz Joseph has transformed into a vampire bat, while a zombified Tyrolean country girl follows close behind. Italy is represented by a pasta-sucking dead Roman. For the dates in Spain, Furillo has provided us with his trademark hefty Spanish matron. And no Furillo poster would be complete without everybody’s favourite 80’s loser, Antonio Tejero! Can you spot any more national stereotypes?
Great work, Furillo. Make sure to check out his awesome stuff at Palmeras & Puros. See you in Europe, everybody!