
Brunnenpassage Kunst für alle! Herkes icin sanat! Art for Everyone! Umjetnost za sve!

🪩🥳 Kinderdisco 🥳🪩📆 Sonntag, 16.02, 15:30-18:00Die Brunnenpassage verwandelt sich morgen wieder in eine Disco. Alle Kinde...

🪩🥳 Kinderdisco 🥳🪩

📆 Sonntag, 16.02, 15:30-18:00

Die Brunnenpassage verwandelt sich morgen wieder in eine Disco. Alle Kinder sind herzlich eingeladen mitzutanzen. 🎉👯‍♂️

Ganz besonders freuen wir uns diesmal über ­lustige Kostüme für das bunte Faschingsfest! 🧚👾

Mit DJ Live-Musik 🎚️

Herkes için disko! Gel ve beraberce eğlenelim! Herkes davetlidir!
Disko za sve! Dođi i pridruži nam se! Sva djeca su dobrodošla!
Disco for everyone! Come and join us! Everyone is welcome!

We have some more exciting   to share with you all 💫🎉 We’re more than happy to announce that following our open call Far...

We have some more exciting to share with you all 💫🎉

We’re more than happy to announce that following our open call Farila Neshat .neshat has been selected to work with us as Artist of Change in the framework of the Cultural Transformation Movement Project on a long-term residency 😍 Welcome to the team, Farila 🥳

Farila Neshat (*1994 in Kabul) is a Vienna-based conceptual artist and printmaker who graduated in 2024 from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Through installations, sculptures, and conceptual practices, Farila preserves cultures and stories from collective oblivion. Her work focuses on the interaction between people and their built environment, as well as the connection between space, memory, and identity. Farila is also active as a mentor and has exhibited her sculptural works internationally, including in Norway, Bremen, Bratislava, and Vienna.


Wir haben noch mehr tolle mit euch zu teilen 💫

Wir freuen uns riesig, bekannt zu geben, dass Farila Neshat .neshat unserem Open Call folgend ausgewählt wurde, als Artist of Change im Rahmen des Cultural Transformation Movement Project mit uns in einer Langzeit-Residency zusammen zu arbeiten 😍 Willkommen im Team, Farila 🥳

Farila Neshat (*1994 in Kabul) ist eine in Wien lebende Konzeptkünstlerin und Druckgrafikerin, die 2024 ihr Studium an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien abschloss. Mittels Installationen, Skulpturen und konzeptueller Praktiken bewahrt Farila Kulturen und Geschichten vor dem kollektiven Vergessen. Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Wechselwirkung von Menschen und ihrer gebauten Umwelt sowie der Verbindung von Raum, Erinnerung und Identität. Farila engagiert sich auch als Mentorin und stellte ihre skulpturalen Werke international aus, unter anderem in Norwegen, Bremen, Bratislava und Wien.

  💫Unsere tolle  hat sich in die Babykarenz verabschiedet. Wir wünschen ihr für diese besondere Zeit alles Gute, große F...


Unsere tolle hat sich in die Babykarenz verabschiedet. Wir wünschen ihr für diese besondere Zeit alles Gute, große Freude und viele wundervolle Momente 💐

Mit Ende Jänner übernimmt nun die künstlerische Co-Leitung der Brunnenpassage gemeinsam mit . Wir freuen uns sehr auf die kommende Zeit 🥳 


Eindrücke vom gestrigen Theaterworkshop mit Alexandru Weinberger-Bara  💫„Wenn ich zu dir in meiner Muttersprache rede, g...

Eindrücke vom gestrigen Theaterworkshop mit Alexandru Weinberger-Bara 💫

„Wenn ich zu dir in meiner Muttersprache rede, grenze ich dich nicht aus, sondern lege ich mein Herz dir zu Füßen.“

Großes Danke an alle, die gestern da waren und uns ihre Herzen zu Füßen gelegt haben 🫀


Salam Music presents: Zençir 💫 Sa, 5.4.2025 • Brunnenpassage
Doppelkonzert: Terrea & Zençir – Salam Music Festival 2025

Das neu gegründete Ensemble Zençir, das bei Salam Music seine Premiere feiert, verbindet historische und zeitgenössische Klangwelten und schöpft dabei seine Inspiration aus der Sammlung der Musik des moldawischen Prinzen, Universalgelehrten und Tanbur-Virtuosen Dimitrie Cantemir (Kantemiroglu). Während seines Aufenthalts in Konstantinopel zwischen 1690 und 1700 sammelte Cantemir über 350 osmanische Instrumentalkompositionen, die er in einer eigens dafür entwickelten Notation festhielt.

Gemeinsam greifen Georg Vogel, bekannt für seine innovativen Musikexperimente und sein selbstentwickeltes Claviton, der virtuose Oud-Spieler und renommierte Instrumentenbauer Karim Othman-Hassan, Schlagzeuger Valentin Duit und Pamelia Stickney am faszinierenden Theremin, einige dieser Werke auf, insbesondere Cantemirs eigene Kompositionen, und erschaffen ein neues Klangbild. Das Ensemble bleibt dabei dem detaillierten musikalischen Pfad des osmanischen Gelehrten treu, erweitert ihn jedoch durch eine zeitgenössische Klangsprache.

Das Ensemble teilt sich darüber hinaus an diesem Abend die Bühne mit Terrea.

Karim Othman-Hassan – Oud, Ney
Pamelia Stickney – Theremin
Georg Vogel – Claviton, Klavier
Valentin Duit - Drums


The newly founded ensemble Zençir, making its debut at Salam Music, merges historical and contemporary soundscapes, drawing inspiration from the musical collection of the Moldavian prince, polymath, and tanbur virtuoso Dimitrie Cantemir (Kantemiroğlu). During his time in Constantinople between 1690 and 1700, Cantemir compiled over 350 Ottoman instrumental compositions, recording them in a notation system he developed himself.

Bringing these works to life, particularly Cantemir’s own compositions, are Georg Vogel, known for his innovative musical experiments and self-developed Claviton; virtuoso oud player and renowned instrument maker Karim Othman-Hassan; drummer Valentin Duit; and Pamelia Stickney on the captivating theremin. Together, they create a new sonic landscape that remains faithful to the detailed musical legacy of the Ottoman scholar while enriching it with a contemporary musical language.

Georg Vogel © Heidi Abt
Karim Othman Hassan © Lalishtheater
Pamelia Stickney © Gerald-Langer
Valentin Duit © Barbara Brandstätter
Collage by Doris Brady

„Wenn ich zu dir in meiner Muttersprache rede, grenze ich dich nicht aus, sondern lege ich mein Herz dir zu Füßen.“Der i...

„Wenn ich zu dir in meiner Muttersprache rede, grenze ich dich nicht aus, sondern lege ich mein Herz dir zu Füßen.“

Der in Wien lebende rumänische Regisseur, Alexandru Weinberger-Bara, lädt alle Interessierten dazu ein, sich mittels Gesang, Bewegung und Improvisation gemeinsam auf die Suche nach den Ecken und Kanten der rumänischen und deutschen Sprachen und „Kulturen“ zu begeben. Die Teilnehmenden werden eingeladen, jeweils ein persönliches Objekt mitzubringen, zu dem sie eine besondere Geschichte mitteilen können.

🗣️ Der Workshop findet auf Deutsch und Rumänisch statt.

Die Teilnahme am Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen, Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notwendig.

📧 Anmeldung unter: [email protected]

„Când îți vorbesc în limba mea, nu te marginalizez, ci îmi pun inima la picioarele tale.”

Regizorul român Alexandru Weinberger-Bara, îi invită cu drag pe toți cei interesați să i se alăture într-o căutare asemănărilor și contradicțiilor limbilor și „culturilor” română și germană. Prin mijloace scenice - limbaj, mișcare, dans, cântat, actorie și performance, vom experimenta, căuta și povesti utopii personale și noi moduri de conviețuire. Pe lângă curiozitate și dorința de exprimare, participanții sunt invitați să aducă un obiect personal, despre care pot spune o poveste deosebită; fie tristă, fie amuzantă.

🗣️ Atelierul se va desfășura în limbile germană și română.

Participarea la atelier este deschisă tuturor celor interesați. Cunoștințele anterioare nu sunt necesare.

📧 Informații și înscrieri: [email protected]

  to this beautiful Workshop from 2024. In late November 2024 we had the pleasure to host  in our space. Their workshop ...

to this beautiful Workshop from 2024.

In late November 2024 we had the pleasure to host in our space. Their workshop „The Listening Body“ invited us to explore new ways of listening by translating our own recordings, writings, drawings, movements and vocal findings into a creative theatrical practice.

Thank you and everyone who showed up and was part of this journey 💫

The Jump!Star Double Infinity Rope traveled all the way from Vienna, Austria, to Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA 🪢The rope...

The Jump!Star Double Infinity Rope traveled all the way from Vienna, Austria, to Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA 🪢

The rope was created in a hybrid collective process during the pandemic, in the framework of Jump!Star Simmering, a transdisciplinary project and extraordinary journey through time. Organized by Brunnenpassage and Weltmuseum Wien, the project involved George Ferrandi in New York City and a team of artists in Vienna.

This iteration of Jump!Star was initially planned to culminate in Simmering/Vienna. However, due to social isolation, it shifted online, and took on a global dimension. For one month during the early days of the pandemic — April 13th to May 3rd, 2020, from 11:00 am to 12:20 pm New York time — participants gathered via Zoom to process the unfolding events, sing, dance together, weave sections of the rope, listen together, and dream wildly.

We are all very excited to bring Double Infinity to the University of Mary Washington this winter! 😍

📆 The exhibition at the Ridderhof Martin Gallery is scheduled to run from February 4th to March 23rd, 2025.

JUMP!STAR Team: Karin Cheng, Teresa Distelberger, Zuzana Ernst, George Ferrandi, Bianca Figl, Anna Gaberscik, Melika Ramic, Futurelove Sibanda, Mario Sinnhofer Aka Touched

PS: the images are initial plans for the upcoming exhibition - the final installation images will be on view soon 🪢

🎉 We’re back 🎉And kicking off the new year with our weekly Voice Workshop Series 🎶 Happening tomorrow with the amazing T...

🎉 We’re back 🎉

And kicking off the new year with our weekly Voice Workshop Series 🎶 Happening tomorrow with the amazing Teona Mosia ( ), join us from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM to train your voice and sing together 🗣️✨

Right after, we’ll be diving into the third round of our Brunnenchor series, this time featuring the one and only Vusa Mkhaya 🌟

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow 🥳


🎉 Wir sind wieder da! 🎉

Und starten das neue Jahr mit unserer wöchentlichen Stimm Workshop Reihe 🎶 angeleitet morgen von der großartigen Teona Mosia ( ) – kommt von 17:30 bis 18:30 Uhr vorbei, um eure Stimme zu trainieren und gemeinsam zu singen 🗣️✨

Direkt danach geht’s mit der dritten Runde unserer Brunnenchor Serie los, diesmal mit dem fantastischen Vusa Mkhaya 🌟

Wir freuen uns auf euch 🥳


Photos from the Leading with Authenticity Workshop with Abid Hussain 🔥🔥It was such a pleasure to have Abid travel all th...

Photos from the Leading with Authenticity Workshop with Abid Hussain 🔥🔥

It was such a pleasure to have Abid travel all the way from the UK to explore together what it means to stay true to one’s values while navigating the demands of art institutions, and to reflect on how to create a more equitable arts sector that prioritizes serving one’s communities.

🔗 This event took place as part of the Creative Europe Project Cultural Transformation Movement.

Creative Europe 

📸 (c) Adrian Riegele .rigele


🎶 Brunnenchor l new horizons - Vocalism with Vusa Mkhaya 🎶The new Brunnenchor project kicks off its third round with the...

🎶 Brunnenchor l new horizons - Vocalism with Vusa Mkhaya 🎶

The new Brunnenchor project kicks off its third round with the start of the new year. This time, the amazing Vusa Mkhaya will guide participants on a journey exploring the power of singing in community. In his project, Vocalism, Vusa blends the traditional songs, rhythms, and melodies of the Ndebele people from Zimbabwe with contemporary influences from his musical work.

👉 The project is open to anyone aged 18 and older. Regular participation throughout the two-month duration is required.

🗓️ Dates: 14th of January until 4th of March, every Tuesday from 7 pm to 9 pm

🫂 Sharing: 4th of March 2025 at 8 pm

Languages: Ndebele, English, German

💌 To register, please send your name, contact details, and 1-2 sentences about your motivation to [email protected] by December 23rd. Due to the limited number of participants, final confirmation will be provided on January 5th.


Brunnengasse 71





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