A photo can say it all about a wedding - especially after the couple has been pronounced husband and wife and then, following the signing, introduced as Mr and Mrs. Sarah and Chris felt this way after their recent wedding at one of our local headlands. Let's just say, happiness and relief were probably their primary emotions on that morning - when the sky, less than half an hour earlier, was threatening, super dark and stormy. Of course we did have a backup plan, which is always key to working with Mother Nature.
If you would like an outdoor wedding in a similar location, on a farm, a beach, in a park or even your garden at home, why don't you check out others who have been married by Northern Rivers Celebrant on my website www.northernriverscelebrant.com.au plus read lots of 5 star reviews? That is the best way to learn about what to expect from my service. If you like what you see and read, then please use either the Contact or Call button for an obligation free chat? I'd be delighted to hear from you and your partner.