So if you can't make it out this weekend to an event because of work, cost or indifference... I've got you covered. Trentacles is playing at no less than 3 massive ONLINE (virtual) events on Twitch or via Raidpal.com this weekend that have music from performers from right across the globe of exceptional quality spanning the entire weekend Friday thru Monday 24/7 with High Velocity #10 already under way. You can catch Trentacles 9pm tonight at High Velocity #10, 1pm tomorrow Saturday at DarkPsyde Raiderz and 8pm Saturday night for PsyRaid #8. Links to events in comments (no need for twitch acc) along with Trentacles Twitch channel page to go directly to his sets at allocated times. Event will automatically switch you to next DJ/Producer at the end of each set. Why not invite some friends over, have some drinks and dance in your lounge room all weekend!