Fate Space is a two-level, multi-set photography studio and creative container located in the heart of Kurilpa/West End, Meanjin/Brisbane. Featuring natural light from both North & Eastern facing windows and curated furniture. If you are looking fo a space to explore your creativity, shoot content for your brand or business, host your event or exhibition, our curasted & diverse studio is now open
for bookings! Our purpose is to provide you with a diverse studio experience, we can help you achieve your desired creative outcomes. We offer different coloured backdrops, studio equipment, photography lights, furniture, free parking and more. We also have a range of creative professionals within our network if you are looking for photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists or lighting assistants. We also have a small fashion collective inside our creative container. Here you will find a range of carefully curated vintage and second hand pieces for you or your styling needs!