My office for the morning ❤
Had an absolutely fabulous time running Canberra's special Enlighten Night Photography Workshop tonight.
Last chance to book into Melbourne's Special Christmas Night Photography Workshop on Thursday the 15th and Tuesday the 20th of December from 8:30-10:30pm... offering last minute special offer of just $79 per person. Spots limited to 6 per class.
We have special Christmas Night Photography Workshops in Melbourne on the 15th & 20th of December where you'll photograph the Christmas Projections on The Melbourne Town Hall. Come join us!
From 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Had a super dooper Christmas Night Photography Workshop in Melbourne tonight! We still have spaces available for the 5th, 15th and 20th of December if you'd like to join us!
Great Night Photography Workshop tonight... Great clients, great weather, great Christmas light show!
Had a beautiful day teaching photography in Melbourne today... Looking forward to running Melbourne's Travel Photography Workshop on another warm sunny day tomorrow! There's still a few spots available if you want to join us we are offering $100 off
During last Thursday's Night Photography Workshop...
Our enlighten Night Photography Workshop tonight was great & less crowded than Friday & Saturday so I recommend going through the week if you have not yet made it!
Last days to capture these awesome lights
Go check out the awesome Christmas light show at Melbourne's Town Hall! I've still got a couple of spots left for my Night Photography Workshop if you want to join us on the 21st of December 8:30-10:30pm...
Had the best time tonight running Melbourne's Night Photography Workshop! Great clients & cool Christmas display of lights