🌹Fresh Flowers -Local Florist🌻
Valentine’s Day is Friday 14 February, orders open now🌹
Flowers for all occasions, anniversaries, celebration, sympathy, new baby, birthday, events, weddings, formals.
Local florist at Eastside Village Gumdale. We make to order, in store arrangements and we deliver🚚
In store, choose the flowers for your arrangement and our florists will prepare it for you to go. We also sell Fresh flowers by the stem to make your own style at home
Gifts, hampers, jewelry, candles.
Coffee cafe, have in or take away☕️
Order flowers online, visit our shop or call our friendly staff on 3890 3600📞
Jacky and the Flowers by the Bay team🌸💐
Shop 18, Eastside Village (next to Place) 696 New Cleveland Road, Gumdale