Charley's Aunt - The Cast
After the hilarious Final Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday, the cast and crew are taking a well-deserved rest this evening before Opening Night on Friday 21 February!
With only two seats remaining from the three performances this weekend, this is another comedy sellout for the RONDO!
Some seats are still available for next week, but don't delay, book today! or call Last Call Ticketing on 0415 822 333
Images courtesy of Barton Photography
Cairns Live Theatre
Laugh? I nearly died!
If you loved 'The importance of Being Earnest' - or if sadly you missed it - then don't miss 'Charley's Aunt' opening on Friday 21 February at RONDO Theatre for eight performances only.
This is another superbly-written, fast-paced, period comedy, again directed by Kevin Shorey, with a heady mix of experienced and new cast members who bring these glorious characters to life on our stage.
Tickets are flying out of the door - don't delay, book today at: or call Last Call Ticketing on 0415 822 333.
Images courtesy of Barton Photography
It's another show day and here is what the Cairns community have to say about the show!
Don't forget a special sensory performance is being held on Sunday 8 December at 3pm.
Don't miss out, book now at
Some shows are nearly sold out, but with lots of 11am and 3pm shows, and with a run time of just 90 minutes including interval, there are still opportunities to avoid meal and sleep times!
A special sensory performance is being held on Sunday 8 December at 3pm.
Don't miss out, book now at
This adaption of Carlo Goldoni’s play 'Servant of Two Masters' is set in Brighton, England 1963 where cashed up cockneys rub shoulders with posh idiots in a no holds barred comedy of errors. Like all good rollercoasters, you’ll find the build to the hilarity is steep, the turns are rough and fast with the occasional expletive thrown around. Which is all a bit like the absurdity of human nature isn’t it? Those base emotional drivers that zip us from A to B, those impulses that send us on ridiculous quests built on fear and love.
“Love. Huh. It’s like being mad, innit?” - Pauline Clench, One Man, Two Guvnors, Act 1, Scene 3.
On stage, all the actors are working hard on this hilarious British romp - but we suspect they're having just as much fun off stage!
Already on its way to becoming another sell out RONDO comedy, If you miss this professionally directed comedy you are going to be SO cross with yourself!
Book now at to secure your seats for this fantastic performance!
Huge thanks to our volunteers in turning our thrust stage into 'Theatre in the Round'.
Many thanks to those who turned up and moved all those platforms and pushed our seats forward, and especially to John Clapshoe who had all the platforms numbered and marked, ready for the VERY quick change that will be required on 10 November to turn the theatre back into thrust and ready for panto! After a quiet couple of months, we're gearing up for a busy end of year here at RONDO Theatre!
All the cast for 'One Man, Two Guvnors' are ready for rehearsals with our professional director Jason Klarwein, which start on Monday. Exciting times!
Watch this space for more details on our stellar cast and in the meantime, grab your tickets while there are still some available, from
It's going to be a blast!
JULY 26-27
Last night's patrons were raving about the content and the performances.
"I wasn't expecting the laughter
"Completely engrossing"
Don't miss your chance to see it. Tickets are only $20. Book now at
We asked director CJ Bowers to take 40 seconds out of rehearsals to tell us about Scenes from the Climate Era, by Australian playwright David Finnigan, which will be performed at RONDO Theatre on 25 - 27 July.
Check out the video and visit to buy your tickets. Tickets are all one price, $20.
Tonight we bid a fond farewell to Juan Carlos, his staff and the guests of The Hardcase Hotel after a stellar sellout run of eight performances.
Thanks for the laughs - and for solving the murder!
Don't forget to book for our next production at
It's an intriguing and very entertaining piece of work - don't miss Scenes from the Climate Era!
★★★★★ “This is theatre doing what it was made to do” LIMELIGHT
★★★★★ “Ridiculously amusing and terrifyingly accurate” The Au Review
★★★★ “David Finnigan’s latest work is kaleidoscopic, using darkly comedic short plays to tell a much grander tale of tragedy, hope and catastrophe” The Guardian
★★★★ “Finnigan’s play…manages to reach into the minds of its audience and create an emotional, practical and shudderingly wide-ranging awareness” Time Out
These are just some of the reviews from previous productions. Don't miss The RONDO Theatre's take on this fast-paced series of scenes that review the past, consider the present and imagine the future.