We’re a progressive and modern community organisation that embraces diversity, social justice and advocacy for those in our community whose voices are often unheard. Northside supports young children through our high-quality early education services, children and young people through our youth programs and family support services, older citizens through our aged care services and support programs,
and the wider community through our housing, community development, outreach and volunteer programs. Why we exist:
Northside supports people of all ages to live the lives they choose as members of socially just and connected communities. What we stand for:
Northside is guided by a commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This means embedding the following principles in everything we do, our approach, and the outcomes we aim to achieve. Upholding human rights for all:
- Social justice and equity
- Respect for diversity and lived experience
- High standards of service and professionalism
- Active participation and voice for children, young people and adults
- Recognition, healing and justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Climate justice and environmental sustainability
What we do:
We provide a range of services and programs in the ACT and beyond. Our strategic focus in the coming years will be:
- Early childhood education
- In-home aged care services
- Affordable housing and related support for individuals and families who are at high risk. More broadly we work to improve people’s lives and strengthen communities through:
- Making our community centres hubs for community participation and connection.
- Advocating for systemic change at all levels.
- Enabling workforce development and recognition in the service areas in which we work.