Ok it’s probably a bit obvious that I may have a slight crush on this guy… I mean seriously look at him and those dimples, how super cute is he!?!
But I ain’t no hubby thief…
Tyler is basically FOMO FREO’s main man with some corporatey title - and a lovely human. I remember when I did the month pop up and was asked to have a meeting in the FOMO boardroom with all of the management to negotiate a longer lease option, I emailed Tyler personally, asked him to meet in a cafe and talk human to human rather than stumbling my heartfelt words about Freo and the way I see and love it. The lease was my 2nd priority.
He agreed and met me at the gorgeous African Art Cafe where I got to sit face to face with him and share my vision of how we can improve Freo and bring the magic back, I crapped on about having a Mardis Gras St festival and that Fomo, being the centre of Freo, should host it.
And in his sparkly eyes I saw he was on the same page and nodded in agreeance, mildly amused aswell I could tell - by all my extraness - and gave me his support. Then we talked lease and wandered off back to our very different worlds!
For that reason I have nothing but respect and gratitude to Tyler, who gifted me his time instead of me rambling nervously in an office infront of adulty adults 😆 (who are all legends too as it turns out!)
Tyler is also an amazing family guy who does wild dangerous things like jumping off enormous cliffs and out of planes with his kids, lucky kids! (yes I may have stalked his socials)
And no I’m not cracking on…
Thanks Tyler and Team FOMO! Us crazy Flamingos are loving The FOMO life 🙏🙏
Welcome to Flamingo Freo 😁🦩🥳
We are open today!
There’s a beautiful vintage market here at Fomo
Come and have Maroccan tajine, or try our World famous orange syrup cake and iced mint tea, check out all the pretty things and lets celebrate
life 🦩🦩
Ever had FOMO coz you’ve never had a MOMO? Well now you can relax coz we are serving up MOMO’s at FOMO!! 🥳🥳Traditional Nepalese dumplings otherwise known as MOMO’s are now officially on the menu at my new/revisited venue Flamingo Freo @FOMO FREO and tomorrow is our official first night of trade! Come try these sexy little beasts that I fell in love with on my mad adventure in the country where I went to to basically shut my mouth and not speak for a few weeks, which ofcourse didn’t happen, because my mouth was wide open eating all the delicious Nepalese food and chanting Hare Krisna (and doesn’t that just conjure up a sexy image!)My friend Krishna the security guard here at FOMO was the one who one day several mo the ago said to me ‘you need to go to my country and meditate for a week!’ after a shift of pure exhaustion. One week later I was in his homeland Nepal shoving MOMO after MOMO down my gob, very little meditating happened.Tonight Krishna the MOMO king tried our MOMO’s… and LOVED them! See you tomorrow night 5-9pm and all day Sunday for the Vintage Pop up Market, Moroccan Tajine, Cous Cous and MOMOS at FOMO 🥳🥳#pic below - finally got a photo of Arkie smiling and not pulling a face - that’s MOMO MAGIC!!! And the flames are an experiment - ‘MOMO’S ON FIRE!’