Its all about babylon S**t Sistem ..YAH SEE Me, Strictly TRUTH mi A Deal With ,Ya Nah...seeeee IT..? ...HATE is being Spread....SO who spreads It ?..Hang on The Worlds Richest ,,,,THEY own the media ?..They were All there to Witness Musk Celebrating With A N**i Salute , remember ,,,,But Wait There's More , ... The NEW President of the USA ,Has Scraped all Environment Laws, Stopped Supporting CLIMATE/Solar,wind and IS going back to GOOD Ole Coal and Oil ... says ..HE wants the USA to Acquire The Countries Canada, Mexico, Greenland ,& GAZA ( wants to Make It Las Vegas of middle East , Poker Machine going 24 /7, , But Its Ok Hes Also Looking At Opening Happy camps in Zion, North Korea & Eastern Europe , Leave it Out GEEZER ...!!! hes offered to buy them ALL... he so can build More THUMP Towers , ....His words not mine ... the richest Press Man in the World MR Murdocker , Hes Got The SUN , so you Know its Kosher & He Agrees with Mr Orange ,.... Its Simple MUSK wants to Buy The Treasurer of USA, They Have sacked all FBI / CIA operatives who don't dance tha line .. ITS Just The Start .... Its No Co-Incidence ....check how Adolf started in "Mien Camp" ... he Spelt it out .Haven't you noticed ,Its All There Our Friendly Billionaires Think Its a Done Deal !....Now Tell Me that's NOT HATE ...???? Tell Me My LOVE & my Family,my friends & ALL the children in the World.... have got nothing to Worry about .....from.OUR friends Mr Oran-ge & MR elon USK ....AH BABYLON run da place ,SO wha gwan ? Whah WE ah Do? ....BLOODKLAT BABiWRONG !!!..>>> LOVE IS ALL I BRING RAS.TAFARI >>
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