Any more international female basketball player 6'0 to 6'4 or new zealand basketball players 6'0-6'4 still looking for a job opportunity to play in Australia NBL1(https://nbl1.com.au/) competition teams are still on lookouts in NSW,QUEENSLAND,VICTORIA,SYDNEY and PERTH. (Position required centre (5), power forwards (4) and small forwards (3)
Salary ranges between $1500 AUD per month to $2500 AUD per month, this can be negoatiated for the right candicate.
Also, players need to be either Double Vax from COVID-19 (PFiZer,AstraZeneca,Moderna,NovaVax) before Australian Immigration will let them into the country. If not you would be send back home. (Part of the Australian Immigration Rules)
PSG sports has an ability to help you with your VISA application, if the right documents are provided. Please either email your latest highlights and resume to [email protected] or contact me on Whats App +61 473 385 917