It’s not about the gear..
But it kinda is.
I look at this photo, this stage, this platform..
And I see a seed of my life’s work in it…
It’s just gear though..
And you’re right.. it is.
As a career artist, the years have held me moving through seasons of catastrophic self talk, conditional self-worth, debilitating self-doubt, imposter syndrome, powerful isolation tactics amongst many others moments, which easily could have stopped, and closed the curtain on this path.
Over time I began to understand and outgrow the self-sabotage to a point that I could sustain my artistry to a standard that inspired me. I found myself in rooms where I truly felt heard and understood. I had mentors come in to my world, and reflect back to me the worthiness that is engrained in my art and sharing. I started to not only accept, but welcome my humanness and ‘imperfect and crazy’ self.
And this is where I look at a photo like this, artfully captured by Sam Macpherson, and know that from the truest place within me, that I have sung, sweated, performed, bled, travelled and toured, to create a space for music to feel at home - and this is just the beginning.
The initial idea of Sounds of Life Touring landed as s**t was hitting the fan through COVID.
There was nowhere for music to go, and we were forced to go insular. We put our art into the screen for consumption - which personally, felt cheaper than dirt. How we had to monopolise ourselves, and whilst many artists created their own opportunities through it - which I steadfastly celebrate and acknowledge, I took that time to create a vision for the future.
I decided I was going to invest my time, and energy into art, and music moving forward. Beyond my own - but dictated by my experience in the industry as an independent artist.
To encourage humans to take a moment, to disconnect and be safe and willing to just RECEIVE.
The existence of the unrecognised art is crucial, to connect beyond the familiar is a powerful practice, and we have millions of unheard invitations of music, waiting and desiring to be shared.
Music is so often sidelined while drugs, disconnection and alcohol sales take the field, and we have been placed there as an accessary, and I am not here for that.
Respectfully I understand that bills need to be paid, and I am not criticising or undermining the resilience of music venues. I believe that both need to exist, AND I am part of the movement to create the balance of choice.
So it is just gear.. and I do love it so. But beyond that, it is my hope that we collectively get to unhinge ourselves from the destruction-centric consumption of content and come back to a place of receptivity and sharing in a heart and community centred way.
I poured my heart into the gear, so you can pour your heart into your music. I am invested in you.
Let’s come together.
Boldly in creation.