有關Lennon Store事宜 (Scroll down for English version)
HKIA Brisbane於2021年初創立Lennon Store, 隔個禮拜日在Brisbane Sunday Market營業,目的在於以非牟利、輕鬆、家庭形式,向澳洲大眾講解關於香港的人權自由狀況,亦藉此籌募資金,援助香港手足及支援HKIA Brisbane的日常運作。
自開業以來,Lennon Store由一眾義工熱心經營,從製作手作產品、訂購貨品、倉務點貨、網上發售及市集營業,均無收取任何報酬,而義工貢獻私人時間、勞力、甚或要以私人資金補貼支持Lennon Store的運作。
而Lennon Store籌募之經費用作支援細葉榕、西藏組織等人權組織,亦用作籌辦布里斯本香港人電影節,為昆士蘭香港人帶來時代革命、理大圍城、因為愛所以革命等電影。此外,所得經費亦用作支援HKIA Brisbane六四集會、六一二等遊行集會用途 。
在宇宙國安法下,Lennon Store清楚知道個人資料安全的重要性,所以一直致力保障大家從Lennon Store所購物留下的個人資料,亦保障Lennon Store賣家資訊 。
自本年三月以來,有兩名前義工利用Lennon Store其他義工對其信任,向負責的義工多次發律師信,要求公開Lennon Store買、賣家的個人資料及相關資訊 。更利用澳洲法院的法律手段,企圖迫使Lennon Store負責義工屈服,公開個人資料及相關資訊 。
此不負責任的舉動,令Lennon Store負責義工被迫花費一共超過七萬元澳幣,聘請大律師及事務律師,保護Lennon Store買、賣家的個人資料及相關資訊不被公開 ,慶幸最終亦告成功 。
經歷此漫長的法律程序後,Lennon Store面臨破產。但Lennon Store將會於來年繼續營業,無畏打壓,絕不屈服於強權 ,希望大家能繼續支持 。
HKIA Brisbane及Lennon Store祝大家聖誕及新年快樂!
Regarding the Matters of Lennon Store
HKIA Brisbane established the Lennon Store in early 2021, operating every Sunday at the Brisbane Riverside Sunday Market. The purpose is to inform the Australian public about the human rights situation in Hong Kong in a not-for-profit, relaxed, and family-oriented manner. Additionally, the store aims to raise funds to assist Hong Kong “hand and feet” (compatriot) and support the everyday operations of HKIA Brisbane.
Since its opening, Lennon Store has been operated by dedicated volunteers who contribute their time, effort, and sometimes personal funds without receiving any compensation. The funds raised by Lennon Store support human rights organizations such as the Banyan Aid and Tibetan organisations. They are also used to organise the Brisbane Hong Kong Film Festival last year, bringing Hong Kong pro-democracy films to the Hong Kong community in Queensland.
Funds raised further support events like the HKIA Brisbane June 4th memorial and June 12th assemblies. Lennon Store, recognizing the importance of personal data security under the National Security Law, is committed to safeguarding the personal information of its customers and sellers.
Since March of this year, two former volunteers, exploiting the trust of other volunteers, have attempted legal actions, demanding the public disclosure of personal information and related data of Lennon Store buyers and sellers. Using legal means in Australian courts, they sought to compel Lennon Store to disclose this information. This irresponsible action led to significant legal expenses for Lennon Store, exceeding AUD 70,000, in hiring lawyers to protect the privacy of buyers and sellers.
Despite facing bankruptcy after this lengthy legal process, Lennon Store will continue its operations in the coming year, undeterred by oppression and steadfast against authoritarianism, and we look forward for your continuous support.
HKIA Brisbane and Lennon Store wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Hong Kong International Alliance Brisbane
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKIAbrisbane
Instagram: https://instagram.com/HKIAbrisbane/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HKIAbrisbane/