ALERTA CULTURAL! 🚨🎉¡Prepárense para reír a carcajadas! 🤣 El famoso artista colombiano Ricardo Quevedo llega a Hobart con su humor único y contagioso! 🫶¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad única de sentirte en casa y disfrutar de la comedia en vivo! 🎭 Apoya este tipo de eventos que enriquecen nuestra ciudad y haz que Tasmania sea un destino atractivo para más artistas. 🌟¡Queremos más arte y cultura en Tasmania! 🎨 ¡Únete a nosotros para hacer que esto suceda! 🤝¡Nos vemos. en Hobart! 👋
Latin show to celebrate love and friendship in Salamanca Market Salsita & @joymusic Saturday February 15th celebrating Latin Valentine's Day with Latin rhythm 1-2 pm nos vemos !!!
Salsita& Salsita Events We are happy to promote this wonderful event. For the first time, the talented Colombian comedian Ricardo Quevedo arrives in our city with his hilarious show "We have to die of something." 😄🇨🇴📅 Date: Friday, March 7, 2025🕕 Time: 6:00 PM📍 Place: Odeon Theatre, Hobart🎟 Tickets available now!Get an exclusive discount using the code DREAMWAY when purchasing your tickets. 💸👉 Buy here:—-de-algo-nos-tenemos-que-morir/170389? skin=ODEON🇨🇴 Don't miss this unique opportunity to support a Latin event and enjoy a night full of laughter with the best Colombian humor!#RicardoQuevedo #ColombianComedy #LatinosEnHobart #DreamWay #DeAlgoNosTenemosQueMorir
Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day when we join together on Bellerive beach to enjoy music, games, family time, and Salsita invites you to participate in a workshop and a parade with our friends La Descarga Bienvenidos
Salsita Events wishes you a Christmas filled with music, dance, and laughter. May 2025 bring you health, happiness, and success. Dance and celebrate with us!"
"This image of a father with his little daughter is one of the motivations for hosting community events.SALSITA EVENTSWe are ambassadors of Colombian culture in Tasmania, and with this festival, we demonstrated the joy and passion of our people.Recognized by the Clarence Council as a successful and diverse event, nearly 2000 attendees enjoyed this tour of Colombia without leaving Tasmania.The purpose of this event was to showcase our rich diversity, support and promote local ventures, artists, and foster growth together.Salsita Events
Nuestra pequeña grande Organizadora !!
Mi corazón se llena de orgullo al ver a nuestra hija Sophia una embajadora de dos mundos, dos culturas y un corazón lleno de amor por su país, Colombia.
La talentosa y líder comunitaria, María Elena, nos envía un mensaje especial desde Launceston:
“¡Hola a todos! Les invito a unirse a nosotros en el Tour por Colombia, un festival lleno de música, danza, comida y cultura colombiana.
Si te gusta viajar y conocer nuevas culturas, este sábado 19 de octubre tienes la oportunidad de viajar por Colombia sin salir de Tasmania.
No te quedes en casa, ven y trae a tu mascota. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Tickets quedan poquitos here👇🏻👇🏻
🎶 Kattleya Music Group: a wonderful repertoire of Colombian hits that will make you dance to the rhythm of our music! 💃🕺Come this Saturday and enjoy fantastic music!
#ColombianMusic #KattleyaGroup #FeelTheRhythm #tourofcolombia #hobart #eventstasmania #multicultural #diversity #todoinhobart
To promote and celebrate Colombian culture in Tasmania, highlighting music, dance, food, art, and traditions, fostering cultural integration and diversity.*Don't miss this unique experience!*Get the last tickets here👇🏻👇🏻.
To promote and celebrate Colombian culture in Tasmania, highlighting music, dance, food, art, and traditions, fostering cultural integration and diversity.*Don't miss this unique experience!* There are very few left tickets here👇🏻👇🏻.