🌟Recently received a package and it had packing peanuts… needless to say, another fine motor and sensory activity! This open-ended experience encouraged the children to use their imaginations with the tools provided. Miss 3 was creating “cup cakes” & ice cream 🍦 the coloured blocks was a visual contrast against the white, where they ended up building towers together, sharing a sisterly moment (between their arguing 🙈) #finemotorskills #sensoryplay #activitiesforkids #activitiesfortoddlers #learningthroughplay #messybubs #mumsandbubs #messyplay #tufftrayplay
💭 My messy bubs love imaginative play and role play… especially using things to look through such as pipes, cardboard rolls, boxes, the list goes on! One morning “Freckles” the elf made binoculars for the girls to paint… they loved it! Great way to encourage repurposing objects, something so simple can bring so much joy to little ones! Finished with touches of feathers and Pom poms 🪶#imagination #creativity #funathome #elfontheshelf #messybubsaustralia #activitiesfortoddlers #sensoryplay #messyplay #repurposing #ipswichqld #mumsandbubs
🤩Have you seen our sensory sessions in Beenleigh on Tuesdays? It’s free and no need to register! #sensoryplay #activitiesforbabies #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforchildren #logan #first5forever #messybubsaustralia #ipswichqld #tufftray #softplay
🤩We love our sensory and soft play days! #messybubsaustralia #sensory #sensoryplay #activitiesforbabies #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforchildren #playmatters #brisbane #mumsandbubs #ipswichqld #beenleigh #logan
🤩We love our sensory and soft play days! #playmatters #messybubsaustralia #sensoryplay #softplay #ipswichqld #mumsandbubs #tufftray #activitiesforbabies #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforchildren #beenleigh #brisbane #logan
🌈 Colour sorting activity #grossmotorskills #colourrecognition #handeyecoordination #finemotorskills #colourmatching #activitiesforbabies #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforchildren #sensory #sensoryplay #colours
Multi-sensory messy play! Today’s theme is Pancake Day - lots of fine motor activities using scooping and pouring skills, exploring tastes and smells! #finemotor #finemotorskills #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforchildren #messyplay #sensoryplay #ipswichqld #brisbanemumsandbubs
Sensory scarf and water play is so beneficial for your little one to explore with, such a simple activity but they learn so much!
👉Bubs can explore the texture of the dry then wet scarf
👉 Play peek-a-boo which teaches Bubs about object permanence
👉 Colour recognition
👉 Gross motor skills
#colourrecognition #sensoryplay #waterplay #learningthroughplay #playlearngrow #grossmotorskills #grossmotordevelopment
#finemotorskills #finemotoractivity #sensoryplay #sensory #playdough #playdoughactivities #toddleractivities #childrenactivities
💦 Partnership with KIDS ALIVE 💦
Bringing more awareness to safety around water 💙
Check out the video!
🎉🎉🎉 WINNER 🎉🎉🎉
🎈Congratulations to DANI and your bub on winning a 4 week pass to term 3!
📫 Can the lucky winner please check your messages
❗️If you would still like to join in on term 3, casual tickets still available for $22
#messyplay #mumsandbubs #sensoryplay #messyplaygroup #messybubsipswich #playlearngrow #mumsofipswich #launch #babyactivities #toddleractivities #childrenactivities #ipswichactivities #funforkids #brisbanemums #brisbanemumsandbubs
#Launch #messybubsaustralia #mumsofipswich #messyplaygroup #babyactivities #sensoryplay #messyplay #playlearngrow