Flower Songs

Flower Songs Floral notes that sing for you! Custom arrangements to your requirements my specialty. Why not call today?

Floristry and unique floral stationery and gifts custom made.

Why do I want the pattern for this?  I have plenty of unfinished projects. Lol.

Why do I want the pattern for this? I have plenty of unfinished projects. Lol.

Great job

Viewed the first two episodes of this show and looking forward to the last one. Some things you can relate to, others yo...

Viewed the first two episodes of this show and looking forward to the last one. Some things you can relate to, others you may not have known about until it was your own experience but I recommend watching all 3 episodes, with the final ep airing Thursday evening. (See details below). The Curly Wurly incentive is fun if you haven’t seen the first 2 episodes. No excuses to miss this presentation!

Today matters so much to me. I get it, we try not to take today for granted but some days mean everything. Today is my treasured, third year ‘acciversary’. It’s more significant than a birthday, than Christmas, than all the things put together. It’s not the day I was born. It’s the day I didn’t die.

Exactly three years ago I was in an epic accident and my life very nearly ended. I tanked in trauma, then somehow made it through 11 days of ‘acute PTA’ (Post Traumatic Amnesia). I had three fractures in my neck, a 1.3cm gap in my occipital bone (the back of my skull) and glass was found inside my organs. I was proper munted.

The first thing I remember is asking my girl to put a pillow over my face if I didn’t get better. I couldn’t bear the thought of her spending her final years looking after a Sam that couldn’t care for her in return. She nodded and promised to do anything I asked her to. I told her she would know when. I fell asleep, remembering her nod for me. Sometimes you say what your loved ones need to hear. And you nod.

We left for a dinner and finally came home six months later. We undertook another 12 months of rehab and fought to keep LYS ticking. I had a clear priority. I would be as good a patient as she was a carer. I would do my all to break her free from spending all her hours caring for me, even though she cares for me no matter what. I became who I wanted to be, because I didn’t want to let her down.

It makes more sense now. My sister loved saying ‘Now is Awesome’.

I suppose you get given enough pointers along the way by true hearts and you end up in a heaven you can’t build by yourself?

So how do I celebrate today with you? I pull out my best. The Curly Wurly. No argument there. Don’t go getting all weird in the comments and start suggesting there is something comparable. There isn’t. This is the best. Hands down.

Your Curly Wurly is free, pleasurable, fattening and easily redeemable! All you have to do is what’s dubbed ‘clicktivism’. Let me explain…

I did a Q&A, hosted by the NSW Minister for Health and with many other ministers about this show - ‘The Hospital - In The Deep End’, all about the Australian health system. The more eyeballs we get on this, the more the government will see that we take our health system very seriously. I know they are watching this. Are enough of us doing the same?

If we can win a mirrorball trophy or a golden d***o (logie), we can do this, surely? Set every device in the house (TV’s, phones, tablets) to watch the show on sbs.com.au/ondemand

Once you’ve got them going, click this link to claim your free Curly Wurly. You get one Curly Wurly for every device you streamed on! And you don’t even have to watch the episodes if, like me, you’re not up for it. Set the devices off and you can play with your kids, get off facial and go back to work, or walk your iguana if you have to - just visit here to redeem one Curly Wurly per device - www.loveyoursister.org/market.

My dad used to say ‘I don’t care if you bu****it me, just don’t bu****it yourself’. Honesty system applies. And don’t be a muppet and not claim what is rightfully yours. I have pre-ordered boxes of these and I don’t want to get too fat, so don’t be a pelican. You’re not. You’re a human with a predilection for diamonds of chocolate and caramel. Like me.

Wanna help a brother out?

x Breathing Sam

PS: Also worth noting, this is NOT paid for by the honchos at Curly Wurly. I would love to officially endorse their wonderful juicy goodness, but this is not that. Can you imagine? Imagine endorsing something you actually believe in? ‘The Curly’s are better at Curly Wurlys!’ He-he. Who knows, right?

PPS: I woke up in a foreign place and my girl wasn’t holding my hand. Covid separated us, like it separated so many loved ones. So, I sent her this picture to let her know I was okay.

SBS On Demand SBS Australia

FINALLY!  Checked off another bucket list book, albeit secondhand - the florists handbook 1986 version. So happy!  Looki...

FINALLY! Checked off another bucket list book, albeit secondhand - the florists handbook 1986 version. So happy! Looking forward to many hours poring over the photos and text. ?

So Happy to receive this book by Meredith Woolnough today.  The photos are gorgeous and the instructions seem to be very...

So Happy to receive this book by Meredith Woolnough today. The photos are gorgeous and the instructions seem to be very clear and easy to follow. I can hardly wait to get started. direction

The “go to” caterer in the Blue Mountains. ❤️

The “go to” caterer in the Blue Mountains. ❤️


Plant these flowers & herbs to attract bees🐝❤️


Busy bees, buzzing with determination and working hard to achieve their goals. 🐝💼


Police are warning the Sydney community to be aware of hoax phone callers purporting themselves to be from Redfern Police in an attempt to obtain personal details over the phone.

In the past 24 hours, police have received numerous calls from concerned community members, reporting they have received phone calls and voice messages, requesting they provide their personal details, as they have been identified as being victims of a scam or online fraud. In some cases, callers were asked to contact or have been transferred to an overseas number where further personal information is sought.

On each occasion, the caller is asked to contact Redfern Police on (02) 8303 5199 – which is the correct phone number for the station.

Inquiries by South Sydney Police Area Command and the State Crime Command Cybercrime Unit have revealed the phone calls are likely to have been as a result of web-based spoofing, with calls possibly originating from overseas.

There have been no persons identified as being scammed as a result of the calls.

Police would like to use this incident to remind the public to take the following precautions to reduce the risk of being scammed by cold-callers:

• If you receive a threatening phone call (and demanding money), hang up immediately;
• Do not disclose personal details to the caller;
• Never provide your personal or banking details to a person who calls you;
• Never provide your financial PIN or account passwords to anyone;
• Do not make any payments to the caller, either via phone, internet, or cash;
• If you are suspicious about the credentials of a person on the phone, ask questions of them. If they avoid answering or refuse to provide information, hang up;
• Don’t let scammers pressure you – scammers use detailed scripts to convince you that they’re the real deal and create a high-pressure situation to make a decision on the spot;
• If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately; and
• Contact police immediately to report the incident.

To find out more information about scams or to find out other ways to protect yourself, visit www.scamwatch.gov.au.

If you have been the victim of a scam, you can report it to local police or to the ACCC online at the ‘SCAMwatch report a scam’ page or by calling 1300 795 995.

Beautiful bees.

Beautiful bees.

Little hero of nature


Yesterday we visited one of our favourite art galleries in South Australia - Medika Gallery in Blyth, owned by painter and conservationist, Ian Roberts.

We've bought art from Ian through all of our married life so we've all grown older together...initially buying his unbelievably beautiful native birds in native vegetation and now I've become entirely enamoured by his studies of eucalypts. I have passed this passion onto one of our sons who owns five originals of these eucalypts, each so exquisitely rendered in fine, detailed watercolour.

The originals are now exhausted. Only gallery quality prints available but they too are wonderful.

Ian grows the eucalypts - and sells the saplings so more of us can plant native gums anywhere and everywhere we can - in order that he can do these stunning paintings to include in a book on native eucalypts of SA for our state's history and posterity. He admits clients often grab them before he can paint them and he has to start again. His gallery is now a little temple of gorgeous plants and natives for people to purchase amongst the art that he's winding down to focus on his conservation and own art.

And I'm telling you all of this backstory, only to show you the most glorious dahlias that were on his counter yesterday. They're grown by his daughter with great passion and I am now convinced this gorgeous flower that probably went out of vogue should be back in vogue. How fabulously attractive they are and what colours. And now I've googled them more I'm bamboozled by all the different styles available.

Ian assured me this was at the end of their days and when they were first on his desk they were even more magnificent if that's possible. I've now asked my Ian to please grow some spectacular dahlias in pinky yellow just like that big one in the photo. I want those in a vase in my home!

I'll show you the eucalypts in the next newsletter because you'll love seeing them. So Australian...and so many of us drive by eucalypts daily - myself included - without fully appreciating how lovely they are, but Ian Roberts sees their beauty.

Gotta love this!

Gotta love this!

Lake Jubilee is one of my favourite places. I swam here with Lainie at midnight on New Year’s Eve and we heard a big tree come down in the dark, beneath shooting stars. It was the loudest thing we had ever heard.

This lake has taken lives though. Even Olympic swimmers, according to local whispers. The thing is, this lake is man-made, atop of old mine shafts. So I never go out of my depth. I sit in the shallows and talk to the ducks.

I’ve had a few spots in my time. This is a forever spot. As long as I breathe, I will find the odd window to go and talk to the ducks. And remember Lainie, our biggest sound ever and our brimming hearts.

Our beautiful country !

Our beautiful country !

When the wildflowers come out to play.

📍 Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Visit Northern Tasmania
📷 IG/danielclarkephoto

A picture worth a thousand words …

A picture worth a thousand words …


I met her many times. I spoke to her on her birthday. She is no longer with us. She is why I do what I do. This is who makes the village I spend my life in. We share birthdays, but today is not my day. Today belongs to Jacqui.

It’s not always Happy Birthday. I lost a partner, years ago, and on her birthday every year we camp beside her grave, in a bush cemetery. We keep her alive in us. As I do with Jacqui. I’m sorry if this is a bit sentimental. I’m getting older and I keep dodging bullets. Bullets that take good humans.

Perhaps she is why I’ve morphed into a glorified megaphone trying to be a bouncer for our loved ones. Happy today, to all of us that still breathe. Life is a brief season and I’m proud to stand alongside you.

Jacqui is so fondly remembered for her kindness by a big bunch of family and friends. To all of Jacqui’s loved ones - I’m with you today.

Sentimental Sammy xx

PS: Jacqui fundraised $10K from her deathbed. Our $20M comes from kind folk like Jacqui. Please donate a couple of dollars today, if you can. I don’t ask often, because I try not to be like the other mobs, but I’m also trying to vanquish the ultimate beast that took Jacqui.


My creative efforts since August have been knitted so I can enjoy the convenience of my comfy chair near the TV but also...

My creative efforts since August have been knitted so I can enjoy the convenience of my comfy chair near the TV but also to make meaningful gifts for nearest and dearest. It was also a “procrastination project” to avoid clearing out my creative space and getting better organised. Today the “studio” is getting the attention it deserves so I can get back to doing florals in other mediums other than yarn. At least no glue was involved and it didn’t involve sticky, Spilling things. Pictured is 2 pillows made with 8ply (DK) acrylic, embroidered with simple roses on the pink and white one made for a dear friend, and Four Seasons theme with bugs and a snowflake for my living-a-long-way- away son who loves plants too. Mitred square pattern was on the wool wrapper at POS but I have modified it somewhat to be a more personal expression. If you like what I’m about then stay tuned for the next creations crafted by me.


P a u l - C é z a n n e
Tulips in a Vase
Oil on paper, mounted on board

Norton Simon Art Foundation, Gift of Mr. Norton Simon (This striking still-life of tulips by Paul Cézanne, was Norton Simon’s favorite artwork).


Last week I experienced the trauma of helping a young man who tried to end his life out front of our gallery space. I would like to do more to help our young men who desperately need kindness and compassion.
If you happen to know of this young man or another in a similar situation, I would like to offer a free art session to that brother who could do with lifting up.
The session would be at 1006 Great Western Highway Bowenfels NSW 2790.
Please send a private message.
Yindyamarra - respect Brett ❤️🙌🏿❤️



The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens is a not for profit organisation and registered charity, managed and maintained by 200 volunteers from the Hunter Community. The Botanic Gardens is a centre for research, education and knowledge sharing on botanical matters for the Hunter Region.

Despite our regional status, no operational funding is provided from any level of government and the Gardens relies on donations, sponsorship, grants and our own fundraising activities to keep the gates open.

Our Vision:
To maintain and develop a Botanic Garden in the Hunter Region for the appreciation, study and enjoyment of horticulture, botany and related fields by the growing of Australian native and other plants.

Recent achievements:
2015 - Named in top 10 Regional Botanic Gardens in Australia
2018 - Port Stephens Examiner – Best Tourist Attraction
2019 - Port Stephens Australia Day Medal
2021 - Kevin Stokes named Hunter Volunteer of the Year
2022 - Kevin Stokes named Freeman of Port Stephens
2022 - Gardens awarded Hunter Volunteer Organisation of the Year

How you can help:
* Become a member
* Become a volunteer
* Become a sponsor
* Make a donation
* Visit the Gardens
* Attend our workshops and special events




Glenbrook Park from 8am
Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains – Community Breakfast BBQ with light entertainment, Emergenncy services vechicle display and flag raising ceremony.

Survival Day at Bureau Park
Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony, Indigenous Dance Performances, Kids Petting Zoo, Information & Organisation Stalls, Food Trucks and more! All Welcome. https://www.facebook.com/events/903382001372978

Australia Day Carnival at Panthers
(The Backyard) from 2pm – Carnival rides, live music, food eating competitions, thong throwing and more. https://penrith.panthers.com.au/event/australia-day-carnival-2024


Lithgow - Official Ceremony Queen Elizabeth Park - 9.00am – 10.30am

Wallerawang will host a festival of fun for all the family with music, mural painting, a giant slide, children’s activities, wood chopping, BBQ, performances and more from 10:30am.

Portland from 12 noon Entertainment including displays, market stalls, children’s entertainment, BBQ and CWA refreshment room. Wolgan Street will be closed to vehicles from 9.00am – 4.00pm.
in less than 60 seconds 📚📖





No words needed


Katoomba, NSW


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