Several years ago we began diversifying the flowering show here at the gardens. We looked for groups of plants that would provide blooms and colour at times other than spring because obvsiously we already had massed spring bulbs and rhododendrons. The early hydrangeas (mauve mopheads) which I struck from our previous garden were successful, because we found to our delight that they were not palatable to the wallabies. Over the next few years I established several massed planting beds of newer cultivars, as well as white mophead varieties.
They have taken about five years to really establish, and I add to them each year with the occasional new variety, as well as increase the areas around the trails which house them.
Here are a few photos of some of the newer blooms - I really love the doubles and rich colours. They are just beginning to bloom, and the show should last a few months over summer and early autumn.