A rose by any other name… is probably mislabeled. Please see the manager, it’s Humpday. If however you want to stop and smell the flowers, come on in. Sniffing is free. Touching, I charge.
And my HDAD is so bad today it’s AD4K. The dyslexic ain’t helping either.
Dear bigots, patriots and right leaning politicians, a heads up. I have just learnt that the LGBTQIA+, (the Alphabet Mafia), are hiding CCTV in hornets nests to spy on you. Please knock them all down in the name of… Antiwoke… and don’t be controlled.
Can someone remind me to invest all my money in an aluminum, yes, one i), company later this afternoon. Or as they call them, hat material.
We are here for you like a psychiatrist. Only cheaper.
Keep up the good work and remember you know your old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a hot date.