Overview of florlist.com - a free availability list & order request platform for selling wholesale flowers!
This is definitely not sponsored but I really wanted to share this platform with other growers who sell wholesale because it’s too good to gate keep! It took me hours of research to find so if I can save you some time trawling FB groups and Reddit threads like I did, you’re welcome 😂
I had so much fun harvesting this order for @tannorwoodflowerfarm. It was definitely because I got to harvest the first stems of the season for a lot of things. The first Bearded Irises, the first Floret Zinnias, the first Dahlia, and the first decent amount of Scabiosa I’ve had. And it all turned out so incredibly magical together! Can’t wait to see it in Nat’s wedding work this week 😍
Some love for Larkspur, Corncockle and Phlox. (And some love for @samuelchantphoto who spent over an hour harvesting 100 stems of Corncockle before I got home last night. What a bloody champion 🥰)
The first weekend of Spring did not disappoint! We had amazing weather for getting garden jobs ticked off. The Spring to do list is getting shorter and shorter which we’re very happy about. If you walked into our house right now you’d definitely be able to tell we haven’t put much of our attention into the inside of the house lately 🙈
With the help of our little garden cat, Percy, we fertilised the whole garden, planted some more hydrangeas, tied up the sweet peas, sowed more forget me not seeds, and did some emergency mulching in the front garden on Saturday. And on Sunday we brought in a recruit to help us make a start on edging all the beds and to get the new garden over at Phyllis’ mulched. We’ll definitely be switching over to using straw from now on. It goes so much further than sugar cane mulch!
*No oesophagus was harmed in the making of this Reel.
Safe to say this weekend is going to look a little different to last weekend! We had some amazing rain last Sunday which meant I was out there direct sowing seeds (including the new Floret zinnias) and weeding while the soil was easy to work with. I managed to get 100 x zinnias and 100 x phlox sown. The zins have already starting popping up but it will still be a few weeks before we see the phlox.
This weekend we will be doing some emergency mulching to help keep the soil cool and to retain moisture with these summer temps we’re already getting (and it isn’t even spring yet!), we’ve got lots of bed edging to do to stop the bloody lawn from creeping in, more weeding and more direct sowing.
About a month ago we called in our labouring team (aka my little brothers) because we needed all hands on deck. Between us all we got 8 beds prepped, weeded, planted, and most of them mulched. They planted hundreds of seedlings (they would argue thousands and truthfully, if there were more daylight hours in June, it would have been thousands!) But they made a good dent getting in 100 Scabiosa, 500 Pansies, 50 Sweet Peas, and 50 Delphinium.
I’m obviously going hard on the Pansies this year because those 500 we planted this day are only about 2/3 of them 😂 They are under planted under everything so I’m hoping they’ll kind of act as living mulch as well as stretch nice and tall to give my florists something magical and whimsical to design with ✨
An ode to the most beautiful, glittery Chocolate Cosmos in the morning dew. It may not have the longest stems, and is an absolute pain to harvest, but I’ve just ordered 10 more of these beauties to add to my cutting patch because they are just glorious!
@imustgrowflowers and I had the most magical, flowery day at @southernhighlandsflowerfarm yesterday. We got to learn all things flower farming from Jen, and after picking our own buckets of blooms we did a floral design class with Erica from @little_house_on_the_dairy 🌸 We could have chatted with Jen and Erica all day and we almost did 😂 There’s really something special about flower people. It was so lovely to be around a group of women with a shared love of growing and beauty. I felt so inspired to come home and continue playing with the blooms we got to cut yesterday, and of course I’ve got a list of perennials I need to add to the garden for next season!