Mr Amit Pradhan a bassist from the @theshadowsnepal and @ak47musicaustralia willjudge the digital audition and the main eventhappening in Melbourne, Australia this August.He isalso the technical advisor @sangraha_events. Let'slearn and grow from the best of the best.Please register your interest now.Link in the bio.Registration closes on 2nd of July 2022.#sangraha_events #theshadowsnepal #Ak47australia#rock #rockmusic #rockmusician #rockandrollnepal#nepaliband #nepalimusic #eventsinaustralia#eventsinmelbourne #nepalieventsinsydney#nepalieventinmelbourne#nepaleseeventincanberra#nepaleseeventinperth #nepaleseeventinqueensland#nepaleseventintasmania #nepalieventsinaustralia#nepalieventplanner #music
Battle of the Bands Australia Teaser video
You asked we heard.
Here we present the biggest musical platform for the emerging Nepali bands in Australia.
The very first event by Sangraha in association with Smart access presents “Battle of the Bands Australia.”
Register your interest.Link in the bio
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#nepaleseeventmanagement #nepaleseintasmania #nepaleseinadelaide #nepalese #nepaleseart #nepalesecommunity #Nepal #nepalimusic #nepalirocknroll #eventsinaustria #nepalesecommunityinaustralia #music #nepaliart #nepaleseinmelbourne #nepalesestudentaustralia #rocknroll #rockband #concert #nepaleseinsydney