RECKŌNING- Moving through intergenerational trauma to LOVE …. @brightonfringe Digital season
RECKŌNING- Moving through intergenerational trauma to LOVE …. @brightonfringe Digital season on now #liveperformance #music #concert #performance #musician #musical #digialconcert #brightonfringe #melbournefringe #fringefestival #arts #indigenousarts #thelivingrecord #digitalartsfestival #virtualtheatre #binaural #onlinetheatrefestival #digitalarts #spokenword #audiopiece #soundscape #creativeplatfrom #SaveTheArts #Artsfestival #Brightonfringe #fringetheatre #Brightonfringe2021
#Music is #Powerful 👊🏾❤️
Shout out to the beautiful @shareenaclanton for allowing us to use her powerful voice as part of @themerindas live show ❤️🙏🏾 #Yirramboi #creativedirection
We are #Loving every #Minute working with @themerindas they are the real deal and we are so #Proud of them ..... #watchthisspace #creativedirector #indigenous #Love #Fire ❤️👊🏾
When you want your #photobooth to have a point of #difference holla at #BEATENTERTAINMENT #bespoke #entertainment ❤️🕺🏾
Serving #Boomerang #Realness #Every #Single #Time #corporateevents #christmasparty #Bespoke #BEATENTERTAINMENT
Living our #Life like it’s #Golden ......
#corporateevents #BEATENTERTAINMENT
Nothing but the #BEST for our #talent ..... 😂😂😂 #Golden #Grapes #moetpartyday2017 Moët & Chandon
Our #Naughty #Nuns #Shut IT #Down ........ #Dancers #Show #Events #Slay #bondmelbourne
Who doesn’t #Love A #Reveal ....
#Naughty #Nuns #Show #Halloween #Slay #Events #bondmelbourne
#Gothic #AF #Naughty #Nuns #Slay
#Show #Stopper
Oh #Haaaay @baroqhouse #Birthday #celebration #BEATENTERTAINMENT #costume #bespoke #Gold
One of our #Faves Ella #Smashing it out to get those #Shots ❤️❤️❤️ #BEATENTERTAINMENT #eventplanner #events #bespoke #entertainment @baroqhouse #fashion #gold