JOIN US AND MEET DR Dr Zara Celik ~ a professional holistic health practitioner but also one of my dearest friends.
Her experience in all things health ladies is vast and she will be joining us on stage.
What a privilege!
Dr. Zara's heart centered approach to health and wellness is backed up by her degrees in Complementary Medicine and Clinical Chiropractic. She has also completed studies at the Institute for Integrated Nutrition in New York, and has trained with some of the world’s top coaches, including Tony Robbins, Chloe Madanes, Mark Peysha and Magale Peysha.
Dr Zara offers a holistic method to all her treatments and digs deep down to find the root cause of the problem as opposed to finding a solution on an outer level.
Dr Zara holds a wealth of knowledge and everyday know-how to help you tackle the stressors of modern life. If you find yourself stuck in a rut with no direction to guide you, let Dr Zara's results-driven approach help you find a new perspective in life.
Book your front row seats ~